Ch 43: Fluttering Relief

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Summary: Olivia awakes after her harrowing experience ion the Arena.

Olivia was panicking. She couldn't see anything. Darkness surrounded her and seemed to close in quickly. She ran and began to scream, but she didn't have a voice. No one could hear her and she was alone. All alone and scared. She continued to try and scream, but silence rang through the the area. The silence began to deafen her, sending a shock of pain through her head. She fell to her knees and closed her eyes, slapping her hands over her ears. Her body felt like it was burning. She screamed and screamed until-

Olivia opened her eyes with a gasp, feeling a pair of hands on her shoulders. She began to fling her arms to detached them, screaming at whoever it was to let her go.

"Olivia, calm down. It's alright, darling. It was just a nightmare." Alastor's voice was calm as he called to her. He looked down at her with worry and love, trying his best to calm her.

Olivia breathed heavily as her head pounded against her skull. She felt like her body was on fire and her vision was slightly blurry. Her body ached and felt like a thousand tons. She could barely lift her arms after her flailing, which she chalked up to pure adrenaline.

"A-Alast-" Olivia went into a fit of coughing, her chest constricting with each intake of air.

"Shh, my love. Don't talk. Just relax." Alastor whispered softly.

Alastor snapped his fingers and a glass of water appeared in his hand. He tipped her head up and brought it to her chapped lips, soothing her throat with the cool liquid. Then, he reached to the side table where a basin of cold water sat. He wet a cloth and wrung it out, placing it on her heated forehead. Olivia panted as the lingering poison continued to ravage her body, weakening her significantly.

"W-what h-happened?" Olivia asked as she opened her eyes slightly, gazing at her beloved with slitted eyes.

Alastor sighed and grasped her hand. "The Arena was two days ago. You have been unconscious ever since we returned. A few seconds before the Arena closed, you," Alastor breathed in a shaky breath, gripping her hand tighter, "died."

Olivia's eyes widened as her mind flashed back to waking up in Angel's arms and him telling her what had happened, to seeing the red mist surrounding Alastor, to seeing him kneeling and looking devastated.

"Alastor," Olivia gripped his hand as tight as she could in her weakened state, "I'm s-so sorry."

Alastor furrowed his brow as he gazed down at her. "Whatever for, darling?"

"I b-broke my p-promise." Olivia breathed heavily as tears came to her eyes. She hated that she put him through that. "I didn't mean-"

"Shh, sweetheart, non of that now." Alastor smiled warmly as he cupped her face, wiping away the single tear that escaped her eye. "That's in the past. You're here, that's all that matters."

Olivia closed her eyes and leaned into his hand. It had been so long since she had felt his touch.

"I missed you so much." Olivia whispered as she raised a hand to place over his.

"I missed you too." Alastor leaned towards her, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against her own softly.

They stayed there for a while, basking in each other's presence for as long as they could. Olivia's heart beat wildly in her chest as she inhaled deeply, taking in his scent of blood and the forest. It soothed her aching damned soul, calming her frazzled nerves and tensed body. It had been days since she had truly felt him near and she felt a sob creep up her throat, wanting to burst out and release all the love her felt for him. She whimpered as she bit her lip, trying to keep down the overflowing emotion. She entwined her fingers with his, grasping them tightly like a lifeline. Afraid that this wasn't real and she would wake up back in the Arena, away from him.

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