Ch 54: Vampire's Allure

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Summary: A new character is introduced and Angel is enamoured. What kind of adventures could this new presence bring?

*Please read after the chapter for an important update!*

Three months pass and everything seemed to go back to normal.

After Alastor's rut, Olivia wasn't able to walk properly for almost two weeks. Alastor  carried her everywhere with the cockiest grin she had ever seen, adding to her already sky high embarrassment. Also true to his word, his carnal need and desire dampened significantly, having only taken her once in the three months. She couldn't wait till next year.

Nothing was heard from Olivia's father or Vox, no talks or rumours about their plans. There was no movement at the Von Bast estate, even the servants didn't know what was happening. Oscar would check in once a month, but unfortunately had no news. It unnerved Olivia slightly, but she tried not to think about it. It was only driving her to madness.

So, she busied herself with her new schedule. Her new days of performances were a major hit. She had a full crowd almost every night and she enjoyed having Friday's and Saturday's off to dance with her friends and Alastor.

Charlie was getting frustrated and elated. On one hand, the hotel was filling up faster every month and had already redeemed four demons, but she still didn't have a permanent singer for Friday's and Saturdays. She considered making them random, but it didn't sit right with her. She knew someone was out there that was meant to fill that position. Friday's and Saturday were becoming less popular, the audience wanted consistency.

That would all change on the night before Extermination Day.

Charlie was in her office going through the latest numbers when her phone rang.

"Hello, thank you for calling The Happy Hotel. This is Charlie, how may I help you?" She greeted cheerfully.

"Hello, my dearie!" May-Belle's voice rang out loudly.

"Hi, May-Belle! How have you been?" Charlie smiled wide at hearing the cow demon's melodic voice.

"Fantastic! Thank you for asking. How have you been, dearie?"

"Pretty good. I've redeemed four demons!" Charlie squealed.

"I heard! Congrats, lovely!" May-Belle cheered. "I also heard through the grape vine that you're in a bit of a tight spot for a permanent singer for Olivia's off days?"

Charlie sighed. "You have no idea. I have had so many audition, but non ever stuck. Either they left on their own or I didn't have a good feeling about them. It's getting very frustrating."

"Well, I may have solved your problem!" May-Belle exclaimed.

Charlie beamed. "Really?!"

"Yes, there is a singer in downtown Pentagram City who has been working the nightclubs there. He recently broke up with his band and has been going solo. I hear he has been looking for a permanent place, but nothing has been to his liking." May-Belle explained. "He is a little more provocative then your used to for entertainers, but I think he could be a hit. I saw one of his shows the other night. I was blown away."

"That sounds great!" Charlie stood up in her excitement. She knew she could trust May-Belle's judgement. She wouldn't suggest someone unless she was impressed.

"I think I heard he's playing at the Qrow's Nest tonight in the Nocturnal Sector, if your interested in seeing him perform." May-Belle offered. "That is unless you have your own Years Eve party planned."

"Our party is tomorrow evening, so I will definitely check him out! Thank you, May-Belle. I know he will be amazing if you're suggesting him." Charlie smiled wide.

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