Ch 24: Cooking Together

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Twelve days had passed since the incident with Reginald and it had been the greatest twelve days of her life. She had ended up spending every night in Alastor's room as her nightmares continued to haunt her. He never showed a hint of frustration or annoyance every time she knocked on his door in the middle of the night, tears streaming down her face as her body shook. In fact, he was the first to suggest that she just move in with him since it was so difficult for her to sleep alone. She protested at first, saying it was to soon, that they just started this relationship, but he met her concerns with reason. She had been through so much and he was there for her, no matter what. She eventually agreed, but she decided to leave her clothes and things in her own room. She wasn't yet ready to change in front of him, which he understood. He even bought a nightlight for her since she could not stand the dark. She had always hated it but ever since the incident, it escalated to terrible degree.

She also had to admit, this last two weeks were the longest she had ever experienced. She understood Charlie's reasoning for wanting her to take time off, but she was so incredibly bored! Alastor did all the cooking himself and James played her shows last Friday and Saturday. She went out with Angel almost everyday and trained with Vaggie and that helped but, working helped keep her mind off things. Plus, she missed cooking with Alastor.

Olivia looked at her phone and saw it was 440pm. Alastor should be in the kitchen preparing supper for the staff, since it was Thursday. She hustled to the kitchen, hoping he would let her help. She kept a look out for Charlie, not wanting to be caught. She tiptoed her way down the hallway, and peeked into the kitchen. Alastor was chopping vegetables, humming to the music filling the room. She listened for moment with a smile, relishing his voice. She then fixed her hair and straightened her dress before entering, trying to act nonchalant. Alastor raised his head and smiled brightly.

"Hello, my darling!"

"Hi, dearest." She smiled and walked up to him. "What are you doing?"

He glanced at her with a cocked eyebrow and held up the knife. She giggled nervously.

"Heh. Of course." She paced around the island, looking at objects, picking them up and playing around with them. Alastor put the knife down and smiled knowingly at her.

"Do you need something, darling?"

"Hmm? Oh, no. I'm just...." she trailed off.

"Looking for work?" He crossed his arms and leaned his hip against the island. An amused look crossed his face.

"Of course not." She crossed her own arms and looked up at him under her bangs. " need help. Then who am I to turn you down." She shrugged and batted her eyes at him.

Alastor chuckled. "I'm not sure I can go against the Princess' orders. She is the boss."

Olivia walked closer. "Technically, you are my boss. So you have a say on whether or not I work." She tried to make her eyes as big as possible.

Alastor was liking this game so he decided to continue to string her along.

"And what kind of partner would I be to her to undermined her order? That is just rude."

Olivia reached him and place her hands on his crossed arms.

"Alastor please! I'm so bored. I need something to do!" Olivia leaned her forehead on his chest. "I am about to literally die from boredom. Again!" She pouted as she glanced up at him.

Alastor chuckled as he leaned forward and kissed her pouted lips. "Alright, but you are not doing anything the exerts to much energy. I don't want to end up on Charlie's hit list."

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