Ch 6: An Unwelcome Visit

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Olivia's wrist itched again and it was getting worse. She would have to take care of it soon, but that didn't matter now as her three-month trial was over. She waited in the kitchen for Charlie and Alastor as they were going over her review and said they would be done in ten minutes. Gods, she hoped she did well enough. She believes she did all she could to impress Alastor. She paced around the island, cleaning as she went. Finally, she heard the door open and in strolled Alastor and Charlie with papers. Charlie was trying to hide a smile, but it wasn't working. Olivia suppressed a giggle.

"So, what's the verdict? Am I fired?"

Charlie squealed and hugged her.

"Of course not, you did great! You're officially hired!"

Olivia smiled brightly and looked to Alastor who was smiling and shaking his head at Charlie. He turned to Olivia.

"Yes, it's true! You did great these last three months. You learned fast and efficient. I'm impressed, my dear!" Alastor gave her the papers to sign, agreeing to work at the hotel. He didn't seem like a guy who cared about paperwork, but she guessed it was necessary.

Charlie squealed again.

"You are off the hook for making supper tonight. As a thank you for your hard work, you get today and tomorrow off!"

Olivia's eyes flicked to Alastor who just nodded.

"Are you sure? I don't mind working." Charlie ignored her. Alastor grinned at Olivia and shrugged.

Charlie stomped her foot. "Nope! That's an order! You should go out! Go shopping with Angel. I'm sure you guys could use some bonding time."

They didn't spend too much time together, it was true.

"No point is arguing with her when she gets like this. It's best to just play along."

Olivia smiled and nodded. "I've been noticing that."

Alastor held out a hand. Olivia looked at it for a second before grasping his hand.

"Welcome to the Hotel, my dear. Officially now, anyway."

"Thank you, Alastor. I'm glad I impressed you enough to stay on."

Alastor squeezed her hand before letting go. "You better get out of here before Charlie has an aneurism."

Olivia laughed and nodded. Charlie was vibrating when Olivia walked up to her. Charlie followed her to get Angel who agreed to go out. Charlie waved them goodbye at the front doors while they got into the limo.

"So, Doll," Angel sat back in the seat. "You're officially a part of this fucked up family, huh?"

"Seems so." Olivia smiled and nodded.

Angel stretched out along the cushions.

"I can't believe Alastor approved it. Not that you're a bad cook, you're great. It's just he's a bit difficult when anyone is in HIS kitchen. Or maybe it's just me?"

Olivia snorted. "I think it's just you, D."

Angel slumped dramatically on the seat.

"Don't know why. I've been nothing but an angel to him." He winked at Olivia as the car pulled to a stop.

Olivia got out of the car, laughing as Angel followed her. They had pulled into the mall parking lot. They shopped for about 3 hours before sitting to eat lunch. Olivia had one bag with a few articles of clothing while Angel had about seven already. The day was going great as she and Angel were talking non stop about many things. It seemed like this bonding trip was working. Another two hours later of more shopping, Angel suggested walking down the street to a smaller strip mall for more sexy items. Olivia was a little uncomfortable with such items but followed anyway. Unfortunately, they didn't get far.

They turned a corner down a quiet street when two blacks cars squealed to a stop a half a block up. Angel put an arm in front of Olivia as he narrowed his eyes. Multiple demons stepped out and all started walking towards them. Olivia noticed Angel tense.

"What's wrong? Who are they?"

"They're Valentino's men." Angel backed her up slowly. "We need to go."

She had heard about Angel's connection to Valentino and knew this visit couldn't be good. Two of the men started snickering and walking faster. Angel turned Olivia around to run, but was blocked by two other demons. Angel grimaced.

"Where ya think you're going, slut?" One demon from the car sneered. "You owe Valentino a visit. Right. Now."

The demons circled started to circle them.

"Angel, what's going on?" Olivia went back to back with Angel.

"Looks like my times up, is what. Valentino must not have liked my letter of resignation." Angel smirked uneasily.

Olivia looked at him and then back at the demons surrounding them.

"Look, just leave now and you won't have to die. Tell Valentino to leave Angel alone!" Olivia declared confidently.

Angel looked back at her in astonishment. The demon who talked before laughed.

"Valentino? Forget his Angel cakes? Never. Angel owes him a mighty large debt and he won't forget that. Angel tried to skip on the bill and now it's time he payed his due." The demon cracked his knuckles.

Angel winced and looked to Olivia.

"Sorry to drag ya into this, Doll. I never wanted you hurt. You should get out of here while ya can."

Olivia shook her head.

"I just became part of this wacky family. Wouldn't look to good to abandon someone in it, now would it?" Olivia smiled up at Angel. "You up for a fun time with these punks?" Large needles appeared in between each of Olivia's fingers as she crossed her arms across her chest.

Angel smirked. "Born ready, Doll." Angel summoned two Tommy guns and two cherry bombs.

They crouched, readied their weapons and lunged.

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