Ch 13: The Wounds of the Past

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The bombshell had been dropped. Olivia regretted it, but she couldn't do anything about it now but accept the consequences. Angel waved his hands in front of him.

"Wait, wait, wait. You are telling us, that you are a Von Bast. The most powerful family of demons after hers?" He pointed to Charlie.

Vaggie rolled her eyes, "Oh sure, the Von Bast's you know, but not the infamous Radio Demon." She motioned to Alastor who rolled his eyes.

Angel shrugged before turning back to Olivia.

Olivia nodded. "I WAS a Von Bast. That was over 50 years ago."

Charlie and Vaggie both looked very intrigued.

"So when you died, you didn't seek your family? Why?"

Olivia scoffed. "You said so yourself, Paul is a sadistic, evil creature. I mean, we all are in some form or another, but I wanted nothing to do with them. He only ever cared about the family name, doing whatever he needed to further his fortune. My childhood wasn't exactly enriching." Olivia's hand wrapped around her wrist as she spoke. Alastor's eyes flicked to it before coming back to her face.

James eyed her. "You know, now that you mention it, you have similar features to them. Minus the real cat ears and no tail. Do you not have their ice powers as well?"

Olivia shook her head. "No. I think its because, while I am related by blood, I was disowned before I died. So I guess I didn't deserve the 'honour' of the pure ice powers, or the full look of the family. The only thing I received, when I became a demon, was my enhanced speed."

Alastor cocked his head. "Is that why you didn't want to be a singer here? When you told me you didn't want to be noticed?"

Olivia glanced at him before looking at her hands. "Yes, and no. There are other reasons I would rather not say. I would also like to be done with this conversation."

Charlie, for once, agreed. "All right. I think everyone should turn in for the night."

They slowly filtered out. Olivia sat until she was the last one, then she stood and walked to the window, gazing out into the blood red night. Alastor got to the door before turning to look her way. She didn't realize he was watching her and shut her eyes tight. Her hands shook as images of her cruel father flashed behind her eyelids. She placed her hands on the windowsill and took a couple deep breaths. She jumped back as she felt presence beside her. Alastor stood there with genuine concern on his face, even with the smile. A tear escaped to slide down her cheek and Alastor reached a claw up to catch it. Olivia's breath hitched, and she stared up into his eyes. She snapped out of it quickly and back up half a step.

"Ah, excuse me, I have to-" She walked passed him when he grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"I wanted to apologize for what I said back in the kitchen, my dear. It was wrong to push you like that. I won't deny I enjoy toying with others," Olivia looked up at him with glassy eyes, "but I was wrong to toy with you about such matters. I apologize." Alastor's smile widened. Olivia took a deep breath before smiling back. She placed a hand on his arm, feeling him tense slightly.

"Thank you, Alastor. I appreciate it." She hesitated before quickly reaching up on her tiptoes and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Alastor froze, his eyes widened and his grip on her arm slackened. She swiftly took off before he could say anything. He turned and watched her leave as she went through the door and saw James eyeing him with a deep frown before greeting Olivia. That feeling in his chest returned as he saw them walk away, chatting and laughing. His shadow scurried towards them and subtly tripped James, falling flat on his face. Olivia gasped and went to help him up as Alastor's shadow returned to him and hung on his shoulder, snickering. His grin widened but the feeling still hadn't left. He walked out of the room just as James stood up.

"Good golly. What happened here?" Alastor placed his arms behind his back.

James brushed off his navy suit. "I'm not sure. I tripped, but I saw nothing."

Alastor held in his laugh. "Maybe you just tripped over your own clumsy feet?"

James eyed him wearily. "Ya, maybe." He glanced down at Alastor's feet for a split second before turning to Olivia. "Shall I escort you to your room, my lady?" He held out a hand towards her room.

Olivia smiled. "Um, sure." She turned to Alastor. "Good night Alastor, see you in the morning."

"Good night, my dear." The feeling in his chest grew as they walked away and James walked closer to Olivia, his arm brushing her. Alastor knew one way to get rid of this feeling. He walked out of the Hotel, twirling his cane, as a night of bloody carnage awaited him.


Olivia's one-year anniversary at the hotel was two days away. She told Charlie she didn't want a party, but that probably wouldn't stop her. In the last two months, James had been quite the gentleman to her. It reminded her of a time when she was alive when she was happy. She hated thinking about it, knowing what it eventually led to. So she tried to sway James away from her, as much as she could. He was sweet, but she wasn't interested in him that way. He wasn't the one who held her interest. She had to have a crush on the one demon she knew she could never be with. That egotistical, smiley bastard. So she shoved that feeling as far as she could into the back of her undead heart.

She was lost in her thoughts that she didn't even hear what Charlie had said.

"I'm sorry, Charlie. What was that?" Olivia shook her head.

"It's all right. I said what kind of dinner did you want for your party?" Charlie was vibrating in her seat.

Olivia groaned. "I told you I didn't want a party." She leaned her head back against the chair.

Charlie waved her off, "Fine, fine. It's not a party. Just a special evening with the staff. Does that sound better?"

Olivia laughed. "Alright. I guess I can't argue with that."

Charlie threw her hands in the air and squealed. Angel interrupted them, coming around the corner.

"Hey Doll!" Angel directed towards Olivia. "There is someone who wants to see you at the front desk."

Olivia blinked. "Oh, ok. I'm coming." She stood and walked with Angel.

Charlie and Vaggie followed. Who could be waiting for her? She was definitely curious as she turned the corner and saw a tall figure standing at the desk by Husker.

As if in slow motion, the figure turned towards her and piercing pale green eyes found her. His blonde hair slicked back tightly to his skull and his ghastly green skin glistened in the light. The breath left her. Her body froze. Her mind spun. The serpent demon fully turned to her and he smiled maliciously.

"Hello, my wife."

Olivia screamed, and the world went black.

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