Ch 12: Truth or Drink

Start from the beginning

"Not really, but James seemed determined for all of us to get to know each other."

"All of us, or just you?" He didn't look at her as he said that.

She stopped washing and glared at him, "What is that supposed to mean??"

Alastor shrugged again, "Oh nothing. He seems very fond of you, that's all."

"Why does it matter if he is?" She scrubbed the pot she held harder.

"So you like the attention?" Alastor's grin widened.

Olivia turned and glared at him. "I don't-" James interrupted her by coming into the kitchen.

"Hey, you guys almost done? We are about to start."

Olivia glanced at him and a forced smile came to her face.

"Ya, we're coming." She stared Alastor down as she untied her apron. She then walked to the hooks and hung it up. She left with James back into the dining area without looking back at Alastor. As they walked to the empty club, James looked down at her.

"Is everything ok?"

Olivia nodded. "Ya, I'm fine."

They reached the door, but before they walked in, James stopped her.

James placed a hand on her shoulder. "Look, I know I can be a flirt but, if you need to talk, I'll listen."

Olivia looked up at him and smiled brightly. "Thank you, James. I really appreciate it."

Olivia placed a hand on his before walking into the room. James smiled and looked behind him. He thought he saw something in the shadows but brushed it off and walked in after Olivia.

Out of the shadows, Alastor manifested. His personal shadow crawled up his back and looked over his shoulder. It growled towards where James had been standing as a heated anger swept through Alastor's chest at the memory of seeing James' hand on Olivia's shoulder. Alastor waved his hand through the shadow, dispersing it and walked forward into the club. Ignoring the feeling, as he always has.

When he entered the room, he saw Charlie and Vaggie on one couch, Angel and Niffty on another, Husker sat in one of the single chairs while Olivia sat in the other. The only spot left was the couch which had James on one side. He felt his shadow shudder, but he walked forward and sat on the couch. Olivia never once glanced his way. He knew he pushed a button he shouldn't have, but he can't help it sometimes. It's in his nature to make chaos, even with his friends.

Charlie scooted forward in her seat. "All right! So who's first?"

James sat forward and poured everyone a shot. "I think the Princess should have the pleasure of the first question. Who is the victim, your highness?"

Charlie glanced around the room and squinted her eyes. "Well, you're the freshest meat, James. So, did you have a significant other in your previous life?"

No one but Alastor noticed the quick glance to Olivia before James smiled and spoke.

"Hmm," he tapped his chin, "Yes, I had a wife. Her name was Ophelia. She was a beauty. Loved me very much, and my four other friends and my brother." He laughed.

Angel snorted, "Women."

James smiled. "Well, I'll keep the ball rolling. Olivia," he glanced her way, and she stiffened. "I know you were a serial killer. So, what was your total death count when you died?"

Everyone looked expectantly at her. She looked around and smiled.

"Do I count myself?"

James' eyebrows rose. "If it was suicide, then yes."

Olivia hummed. "All right, then the number was 26."

Everyone looked shocked, even Alastor was throughly impressed.

"26? Didn't you die in the 50s? You got away with that many?!" Charlie squeaked.

Olivia smirked. "Only one question. My turn." She looked around the room. "Angel?"

Angel perked up and smirked. "Yes, Doll?"

"Angel obviously isn't your real name. What is it?"

Angel contemplated for a moment as Charlie gasped.

"Not even we know." Charlie looked like she hit the jackpot.

Angel rolled his eyes. "All right, fine. My real name is.... Anthony."

Charlie looked like she hit the jackpot. "I like it. It suits you!"

Angel pointed around the room. "No one call me that or your dead, AGAIN!" He whirled back to Olivia. "Is Olivia your real name? Sometimes they sound real, but they aren't."

Olivia hesitated. Should she say? A mischievous gleam made her eyes glow, and she smirked.

"No. It is not my real name." The group looked at Olivia expecting her to continue, but she didn't. They continued on for about three hours. Questions were asked, most answered. Angel was very tipsy. Alastor drank, declining to answer most questions, but he didn't seem drunk at all. It came to the end of the night and they were out of the liquor they brought. It was James who got the last question, and everyone agreed that whoever he asked, had to answer, since they couldn't drink, to make it interesting. He took a few minutes, looking at each one until his gaze landed on Olivia. She stiffened and held her empty glass tighter.

"Olivia, my last question is something I think we all want to know. What," he smirked, "is your full real name?"

Olivia was silent, her eyes wide. Her hands shook as she gripped her empty glass and Charlie took notice.

"Olivia, if you truly don't want to answer, you don't have too.''

Olivia shook her head. "No, I agreed. It's just....." she looked at her hands. "I want nothing to change once you all know."

Everyone looked at each other in question and Alastor narrowed his eyes slightly.

Charlie smiled. "You are Olivia Spencer now, it doesn't matter who you were."

Olivia took in a deep breath. "Charlie, you know the right-hand man to your father?"

Charlie cocked her head, "His name is Oscar Von Bast. They are the second most powerful family here in Hell and are a cat demon family. The patriarch, Paul Von Bast, is a tyrant, living for cruelty and refinery. Why bring them up?"

Olivia looked her in the eyes and said, "Because my real name is Octavia Von Bast."

The silence was deafening as everyone took in this information, even Alastor looked shocked.

Husker was the first to speak up. "Holy fucking shit."

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