18 : The Twins

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It's been 2 days since Khuem and Chu have been kidnapped, both men that Tine has described have been caught by the police but they just won't reveal who's the master mind behind the kidnapping.

The news about the twins, are now all around the city, Tine and Bright even willing to gave a reward for whoever step foward  giving them any info about it.

Tine was not in the good condition at all.. He was suffering.
Whenever Bright tried to feed him,
He will started to cry, thinking either the twins have eat or not..
Anything can happen to them.

While Bright still blaming himself, for not being there when the kidnapping happen

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While Bright still blaming himself, for not being there when the kidnapping happen. He's blaming himself for being to busy with his work.

" who... Just who did this..as far as I know.. We didn't have any enemy.. "

Bright sat on the chair,  he's having a headache.

" P.. I know you didn't like it,  when I say about this.. But.. What if it's Pam? "

" Tine! Pam is dead!! Which part of D.E.A.D that you don't understand?!! "

" I don't think it's impossible P!! "

The pressure that they're having, making them lose their temper and started to argue.

" Do you have any prove?! "

"  Remember that Girl that want my signature??  She drop this! "

Tine throw the picture right in front of Bright face.

" It's you and PAM in highschool! Before she walked away from me.. She said..
" I hope you take a good care of your twins"
What's that suppose to mean???
That's her!  That's PAM!  she's Taking revenge on me! "

" Why didn't you tell me about this?!! "

" Because I know you would act like this!!!  You still can't believe me didn't you?!! Just fuck off P! I will find them on my own!just like when I try to save them!!  I'm all alone!! "

Tine went to upstairs and lock himself in a room.

" Tine! " Bright called for him but he didn't care.

They both take their own time to be alone.
And after an hour,

Bright try to persuade Tine.

" Tine.. Im sorry for yelling at you... Its not like I didn't trust you..huh.. Let's talk about this na khub.. Please open this door.. "

Tine unlock the door and they both sit on the edge of the bed.

" I've been thinking about it.. Let me check the mental asylum where Pam were held before.. Maybe you're right.. She's still alive.. "

" Let me come with you.. "

" No.. I'm dropping you to Mae.. You need some rest.. You can't even sleep at night.. I will be there once I found the answer.. Okay? "

Hello Mr.HouseWife 2 💍🌈¦¦ BRIGHTWIN ¦¦Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt