Chapter 11

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Willow, Age Fifteen

On Earth, humans across the planet come together once every four years to watch athletes compete in made-up sporting events.

In Hell, we do something similar, although it's often more bloody and morally questionable than the human's Olympics. You see, at Purgatory Academy, yearly trials replace end-of-term final exams. There are four different trials that have to be completed before graduation, and this year is Infiltration, Retrieval, and Subterfuge, or IRS.

The IRS trial involves traveling to a realm different from the one you were born into and retrieving a specific item without getting caught. Taking place over the summer, students have up to three months to complete the trial. If they are unable to do so, they're can still advance to the next grade level but are kept from graduation until they can successfully finish their failed trial.

Failing a trial is a hard pill for anyone to swallow, especially for seniors who have to then stay an additional four years instead of immediately graduating with their classmates.

This year, both Ragnar and Alexander will be competing, although none of us know where. For both of their sakes, I hope that they don't end up in Heaven as the angels are notorious for making the trial nearly impossible for demons to pass. Likewise, the residents of Hell spend every fourth summer on the lookout for angels.

No one takes it more seriously than Lucifer, his children, and me. With the exception of Aristotle, we always make a game out of who can catch the most angels. Hell is a big place, with lots of places to hide, and angels are on par with fae in the glamour department, so finding them is not easy. As usual, Eli and I have teamed up. However, unlike the last IRS, Killian, and Rome are not with us.

"I bet Rome is working with the mutt this time, that rotten bastard." Elizabeth shakes her head in disgust as we sit crouched behind a wooden stockade in the Pride circle.

Because of her destiny, Eli is the most familiar with the circle of Hell she will one day control. She suggested that we start our search here before venturing out into other circles. Around us, demons torture dead humans whose pride cannot keep them silent for very long.

I nod my head in agreement. "Yeah, they've been thick as thieves lately. They'll realize how much we carried the team in the past when we win this time, though. I can't wait to see the look on their faces."

Like creepy twins, we both swivel our heads to face each other and grin in unison. Elizabeth says, "It'll be almost as good as Gwen's reaction. Remember how mad she and Alexander were when we beat them last time? I bet I could have given up food and just survived off of their combined rage."

Chuckling at the memory, I feel an unexpected clench in my chest at the mention of Alexander. For whatever reason, thoughts of him have recently been accompanied by feelings of anxiety.

Rubbing at the aching spot, I make a silent wish that he'll be okay. We might never be on good terms, but I still want the best for him. Mostly. At the very least, I want him to be alive and healthy, something that the trials don't always allow.

Over the years, students have died or been gravely injured by some aspect of the grueling competitions. Ragnar is the best warrior that I know, so I never worry about his safety. Alexander, on the other hand, has a knack for pissing people off and getting himself into trouble. He might be immortal, but he isn't completely invincible.

"Why the long face, Will? Did you forget to pee before we left? I told you we'd be out here for a while and your human bladder is pretty useless at doing its job."

"I'd be insulted but you're really not wrong. I have no idea why God decided to make human bladders so small and bad at holding water. Glorified thimbles, that's what they are. But no, that's not the problem. I have a bad feeling about Alexander."

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