Chapter 16

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Willow, Age Seventeen

Ragnar is coming home. After graduating with full honors from Purgatory Academy, his four years away from Hell will finally be over. And while Lucifer and his family attend his graduation ceremony, I'm busy mucking out nuckelavee stalls and contemplating my impending doom.

Not wanting to be at the academy any sooner than I have to, I opted out of watching Ragnar walk across a stage in a red-and-black gown. Left alone with only demons horses and my thoughts for company, I can't help but worry about what it will be like to live with Ragnar again.

I haven't seen him since he walked into that portal four years ago and I'm slightly afraid, okay terrified, of what he'll be like now. Will he be the kind protector of my youth or the unapproachable man who emerged in the months before his departure? And, oh my Satan, how will I survive sharing breathing space with Priscilla again? Honestly, my likely death at Purgatory Academy is sounding better by the minute.

The slightly cleaner onyx stalls and huffing nuckelavee offer no reassurances. Blowing a wayward strand of hair out of my eyes, I decide to cut my losses and finish this gruesome task later. Perhaps it'll give a good excuse to duck out of Ragnar's welcome home dinner.

Heading back to my room to shower and change, I pass many lower-level demons hanging up various streamers, banners, and other celebratory decorations that Ragnar will probably hate. The bright pops of color contrast harshly against the mostly black-and-white hallways in a way that gives me a pounding skull. Or maybe the headache is stress-related? Pressing my palm against my forehead, I step into my room and scream at the unexpected visitor lying on my bed.

Completely unfazed by my fear response, Aristotle continues to lounge on my rumpled comforter. Now dealing with a pounding head and heart, I nearly screech at him. "What are you doing in my bed, Ari? Better yet, what are you doing in Hell at all? You're supposed to be at PA!" He remains quiet and just looks me up and down, seeming to inspect and catalog every change in my appearance that occurred in the last two years.

Once my erratic heartbeat is under control, I'm able to notice all of his physical differences as well. Since he left for the academy, he's bulked up considerably, with his lean muscles becoming more defined. His auburn hair is shorter than I'm used to, but still long enough to hold a slight curl. Most noticeably, though, are the tattoos that now cover his arms from his wrist up into the sleeves of his shirt. I'm so focused on the colorful designs that I don't even notice him move from the bed until he's close enough to touch. Considering how slow he usually is, I must have been distracted by his body for an embarrassing amount of time.

Aristotle reaches forward to push the continually uncooperative strand of hair behind my ear. His green eyes sparkle with mirth as he says, "Hey, Trouble. I missed you too."

Rolling my eyes and grabbing his hand so he can't escape, I ask again. "What are you doing here? I'm not supposed to see you for another year, and definitely not in Hell."

He finally decides to answer my question. "I failed my trials again."

Typical Aristotle, being too lazy to give any details in a story. "You failed your trials? Both of them? Is that even possible? Wait, did you get expelled? They wouldn't expel you, right? Not a son of Lucifer. Unless--"

My rapid-fire questions are abruptly cut off by the presence of Aristotle's free hand over my mouth. Refusing the urge to lick his palm, I wait for him to let me go.

He sighs as if explaining is seriously putting him out. "It's possible to fail more than one trial considering that I did it. I'm not expelled but I have to redo both trials. Assuming I pass the next two, I'll have to spend an extra two years at PA so I can successfully complete the independent showcase and the trial by fire." Explanation apparently over, he releases my mouth so that I can speak.

"How in the Heaven did you fail both of those?"

"I refused to participate in the independent showcase and then took a nap during the trial by fire," he says nonchalantly.

I gape up at him. "There are no words, Ari. I mean, I get that your Sin is sloth and everything but this is extreme even for you."

He just shrugs at me like it's no big deal. "It's whatever. On the brightside, though, I'll be in the first year class with Romeo this time. It kinda sucked sharing classes with Gwen. Glad that's over."

I shudder at the thought of being around Gwen in a classroom setting. Or just in general. It's been really nice not having to see or hear her since she started at PA. Like taking off a pair of tight jeans at the end of the day, I can actually breathe and relax when she's not in the same realm as me.

Focusing back on the topic at hand and ignoring the mention of Romeo starting school and leaving me behind, I question him some more. "What are the chances that you actually do well in next year's trial? It's the team one, so you won't be able to slack off without angering whoever's unlucky enough to be your teammate."

"Ouch, Trouble. I'm sure I'll find a way out of it, though. Wouldn't want to end my losing streak."

"So I should look forward to us being classmates then? Maybe you can tutor me since you'll probably be an expert in the subject material by then."

At this, he smiles. "Hmm. All the more reason to fail, Trouble. I've missed you."

Keeping from rolling my eyes again, I sincerely say, "I've missed you too," before adding, "Now get the Heaven out of my room."

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