Chapter 4

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Aristotle (Sloth), Age Eight

Well, I wasn't expecting that. As much as I'm known for overthinking things, even in my wildest imaginations, I wouldn't have dreamed of three archangels storming into Hell and demanding to see Willow.

My father is quick to try and deny Michael's accusation. "A human girl? Dead ones in the other circles, sure, but none in my domain," he scoffs.

Michael, with his golden hair and golden eyes, doesn't seem to buy it. "Don't play dumb, Morningstar. We have evidence that four years ago you made a deal with a human man and took his baby daughter as payment. You and I both know that that's against the treaty. We won't leave here until you bring us the girl so we can return her to the mortal plane."

I'm slow to react, thinking about how Michael must be referring to the Treaty of the Realms, which is the book of shared rules that the various non-human realms agreed upon several hundred years ago.

Once I catch up to the last part of his statement, I jerk my attention to my left, where I see that my older brothers have both stood up in reaction to Michael's threat. Romeo is quick to join them, going as far as yelling at the archangel. Despite being only six, Romeo somehow manages to appear intimidating, although Michael seems more annoyed than anything else by my brother's behavior. Predictably, Lizzie is also yelling at Michael, not that it fazes him at all.

My father throws his arms to either side of him. "Quiet down, everyone! Michael, why don't you and I head into my office. We can talk there without being disturbed. Together, I'm sure that we can get to the bottom of these accusations and come up with some kind of agreeable solution."

Michael's only response is the slight dip of his head before he follows my father's footsteps out of the hall. After the doors close behind them, my mother steps down from our raised positions and glides toward the remaining archangels. She has a pleasant smile firmly in place as she greets them. "Good afternoon gentlemen. If you would honor me with the pleasure of your company, I would love to give you a tour of the castle."

Easily charmed by the beauty and grace before them, the archangels are quick to agree, each one grabbing one of my mother's arms to escort her out of the hall.

Left behind without any adult supervision, my siblings and I stare at each other for some kind of guidance to navigate this unfamiliar situation. As more of a follower than a leader, I'm content to stay silent and let one of the others take the lead.

Knowing it will be either Ragnar or Alexander, I'm not surprised when Ragnar is the first one to speak. "Well, we're not going to let those stupid assholes take Willow away from us."

Romeo and Lizzie nod their heads vigorously in agreement with his words. Noting their reaction, Ragnar pauses before adding, "We may be young, but we're not powerless. They can try to abduct Willow, but they're going to have to go through us first. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not going to make it easy for them."

Alexander cuts in, for once being on the same page as his older brother. "I'm with you, Wrath. As much as I don't like the human, I refuse to give the angels something that they want. Where is she right now?"

Before anyone can answer his question, Gwen places her hands on her hips and her nose in the air as she asks, "Why do we even care what happens to the mortal, anyway? She doesn't belong here, never has, so we should just let the angels take her back to the human realm. Good riddance, I say."

In reaction to her words, Romeo launches himself at Gwen without hesitation. Lizzie appears to have the same idea, taking an exaggerated leap off of her throne like she's a wrestler about to complete a finishing move.

Using reflexes much faster than my own, Anne moves in front of Romeo to stop him while Ragnar grabs Lizzie in mid-air. Forever her protector, Alexander blocks Gwen's body with his own, ensuring that the two youngest will be unable to do any damage.

Held within the confines of their siblings' bodies, Romeo and Lizzie are only able to shout at Gwen in protest. Yelling over each other, it's difficult to figure out exactly what they are saying, but the general message seems to be that Gwen is wrong, they love Willow, and that they are going to keep the angels away from her by themselves. How one six-year-old and one five-year-old plan to do that on their own, I'm not sure, but I won't count them out either.

Alexander comes to Gwen's defense, which is typical. "You both know that this is just Gwen's Sin talking. She likes Willow in her own way, but she's not wrong in saying that Willow doesn't technically belong here."

Cutting off any arguments as they bubble up, Alexander slices the air with his hand and continues. "I'm not saying that I don't want her here, even though I don't really. Just that it's against the rules. Regardless, we'll all make sure that Willow is able to stay. Now, where is she?"

Romeo, face red and splotchy, says, "She's in her room. Or at least that's where we left her before coming here."

Lizzie nods, looking calmer, though Ragnar refuses to release her. "Will was kind of upset that she got left out of everything. Knowing her, she probably snuck out after us to try and see what was going on."

That does sound like something Willow would do. She's too curious for her own good sometimes. On more than one occasion, I've found her attempting to leave the Devil's Domain and enter another circle. As far as I know, she always gets caught, but it would be impossible to know for sure. Crafty girl, that one.

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