A new task force is formed

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After getting ready for a new day they're summoned to high command since they're making a new task force.

Iwo's POV

Iwo: "Sister, I wonder who'll be our escorts?"

Reprisal: "I agree with you on that, but we'll have to wait and see." After arriving in the room we were greeted by our new escorts.

Haida: "Nice to meet you, I'm Haida."

Błyskawica: "I'm Błyskawica."

Sydney in a shy tone: "I'm S-Sydney."

Sullivans: "Don't worry bout her she's shy around new faces. I'm Sullivans by the way."

Kidd: "I'm Kidd, nice to meet you." We return the gesture.

Reprisal: "I'm Reprisal."

Iwo: "I'm Iwo Jima, you can call me Iwo. We'll be in your care."

After leaving the room we headed for breakfast.

Sullivans: "You don't look like the other Essex class, in terms of clothing."

Iwo: "My clothing I understand that's it's odd since it's nothing like what everyone else in my class wears."

(A/N) I've noticed a very particular comment so I'll make this clear now. I decided since August 2020 I was thinking of a very interesting combination of both U.S and Japanese styles, instead of one or the other nationality. As stated in the last chapter she's definitely a beauty. If you're wondering what I was thinking then don't worry I should have it up hopefully by end of December 2020. So in short the reason why I named her after the island was because of this very combination.

Sydney: "T-Then are you not related to Sakura Empire?"

Iwo: "Yes, I'm not despite my name." Just then bombs fell into the harbor. All the other carriers were out at sea doing their missions, so we were the only ones available. We set out to greet them along with our escorts.

Reprisal's POV

We head to the docks where our ships were and saw our opponents. Our escorts were engaging their escorts. Unsure of who we were they decided to introduce themselves.

Soryuu: "I'm Soryuu."

Hiryuu: "I'm Hiryuu. I heard we have a traitor here."

Reprisal: "I'm Reprisal."

Iwo: "I'm Iwo Jima, and for the record Hiryuu. I'm no traitor."

Soryuu: "Very well, Execute order 66."  We turn against her and eliminated her.

Author: "Wrong script let's get back to what's at hand."

Take 2

Just then they began launching their planes as we also launch ours, but we forced them back thanks to our superior planes which were made of F8F 'Bearcat', and BTD 'Destroyer'. Hitting them with a few  'Tiny Tim' rockets putting them out of the fight in the long run.

Reprisal: "That's right Soryuu, and Hiryuu run along you're no match for us combined."

Iwo: "みんな大丈夫?" (Everyone's okay)

Sydney: "We're good."

Iwo: "よかったです." (Thank goodness)

Reprisal: "You're Japanese is slipping out."

Iwo: "Sorry big sister."

Reprisal: "All ships, return to port."

Everyone: "Understood."

After returning to port it was certainly ablaze due to the opening air-strike, but thankfully the docks are still intact. We head for a bath, and dinner afterward, finally we head to bed ending the day.

Hi everyone I'm back with my next chapter and sorry for the slow update but I've been facing lots of problems writing my scripts but not to worry I won't abandon them because I want to continue doing it until I run out of ideas even if they take a while. I'll see you in the next chapter, and for your information, this is the new opening for this story from the next chapter onwards.

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