Special Chapter: Juneau finds happiness (2)

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It's already the 3rd day and the final day since the plan was enacted the both of them were sleeping in their separate rooms, the night before they agreed to meet up at the park where they started going out just days prior.

Juneau's POV

It's already early in the morning at where we're supposed to meet up, as I waited for her I sat down on a bench quietly.

I-26: "Yo, sorry to keep you waiting."

Juneau: "It's fine, so what are we doing today?"

I-26: "Well, let's both choose since we chose one each."

Juneau while smiling: "Yeah, then I'll start with going for a morning bath since we have a long day ahead."

I-26: "Well then let's go and dip in the Onsen for a bit."

Juneau: "If I'm not wrong it should be an area with hot water right?"

I-26: "Yup, and some more there's an outdoor Onsen constructed recently."

Juneau: "I see, let's head there."

We head over there, and to our surprise, we're quite early so no one is here yet. After getting changed, getting their legs used to the temperature they headed in.

Juneau: "Wow, it feels great."

I-26: "Yeah, it's also good at reliving parts of your body since we're in hot water, like muscle aches." A pair of floating tubs approach us with the Manjuus carrying them. "And this makes it even better since we can eat, of course, we'll have to be careful not to drop any of it inside the Onsen."

Juneau taking a bite: "It does make it even better being able to relax and eat." We talk for some time before heading out.

Juneau: "So what's next?"

I-26: "Well I was thinking about a movie, any good recommendations?"

Juneau: "Well there's one that's been rewatched over the years by many of us in the Eagle Union."

I-26: "And that is?"

Juneau: "Saving Private Ryan. Come let's head to my room."

We head to my room to watch the movie, after watching it she had some questions.

I-26: "I wonder why that man has to go home? I mean he could still fight on so why?"

Juneau: "Well, that's part of the 'Sole Survivor Policy' which was enacted almost 10 years after my sinking. It's designed to protect members of a family from draft or combat duty if they lost family members in military service."

I-26: "Wow, I never knew about this."

Juneau: "Yeah, Shall we go play some sports?"

I-26: "Let's go."

I-26's POV

We played sports for the rest of the afternoon playing, badminton, tennis, fencing, kendo. After all that I-26 suggested going to a restaurant to eat and I agree to it. When we arrived it was empty.

Juneau: "Hmm... it's empty."

I-26: "Yeah, Sullivans and I rented the place for dinner. We contributed half the price each to make it happen, and dinner is on me."

Juneau smiling: "Thank you."

I-26: "No problem, just eat anything you want."

I decided to pick out Japanese food, starting with sushi, followed by udon, and Ramune.

I-26: "Let me guess you want to try it out?"

Juneau: "Yeah, I've been quite intrigued by what you girls have."

I-26: "Well if you want something special, it's curry rice. It's a tradition for us in the Sakura Empire where every Friday we have our curry."

Juneau: "Then I'll have it next time." We ate our dinner with I-26 eating her curry, sushi, and Ramune.

Juneau: "Well, what would you like for Christmas?" She was taken aback by this sudden question.

I-26: "Well, I'm not exactly sure what I want."

Juneau: "I see."

I-26: "Why did you bring up that question?"

Juneau: "Well, I thought of buying something for us both to remember on Christmas."

I-26: "I'll tell you when I know."

Juneau while nodding: "Yeah." We head out sometime later having our meal.

Juneau: "There's somewhere want to show you."

I-26: "Lead the way." We walk for a couple of minutes and then we arrived at the beach and sat down, and looked at the stars.


I-26: "Tonight sure is beautiful." I nod my head in agreement, then put her head on my lap. "W-what is this for?"

Juneau: "It's my thanks for all the hard work you 2 put in to make the last 3 days possible, just rest, ok?"

I-26: "Fine." She stops resisting and just quietly lies down, then I thought of something.

Juneau: "Don't mind if I touch your ears for a bit?"

I-26: "Let me guess you're curious about it?" I nod my head in reply. "Fine." I touch her ears for a bit, suddenly I was hit by my memories of the past resurfacing, and shed some tears remembering that somber night. Some of it fell on I-26 which made her worry.


I-26 asking curiously: "What's wrong?"

Juneau: "It's nothing."

I-26: "Please don't lie to me, the last 3 days I've seen nothing but smiles on your face. Just please tell me what's wrong?"

Juneau in a sad tone: "It's the memories of that night coming back to me." Now that I-26 thought about it, today was the day she was sent to the bottom by her torpedoes and dying alone.

I-26: "You're not alone anymore you have me don't you?"

Juneau still in her sad state: "Yeah."

I-26 tearing up a little: "Don't just give me that! You could've gone to anyone about this problem of yours, maybe they could help, even if it's a little bit. Just relly your friends a little more." Juneau realized this but she didn't want to talk about the subject, she wants to change that from now on.

Juneau wiping her and I-26s tears: "Sorry, I made you cry too."

I-26: "It's okay, just take your time to muster that courage of yours to speak to someone you could rely on."

Juneau: "Yeah, let's go back." They head back and slept in I-26's room since she always wanted to sleep on it and the rest of the night was quiet, with Juneau thinking about what she could've changed so long ago. But she knew changing now is better than never at all, with those thoughts she went to sleep.

Hi guys I'm back with a brand new chapter, it's been almost a year since this book first came out. To all those friends who read it from the start till now (By that I mean every upload), thank you very much for always staying with it, and I hope to see more of you guys in the future.

Speaking of it, I'll be doing a re-write at some point which will increase the word count, and details of events that took place in certain chapters. The only ones, I won't touch would be most of the specials that are around since they have their place. With that see you!

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