Sitting out of the war

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Iwo's POV

It's been several days since we're back to the war but lately, the nightmare became worse today we're running a simple mission which is to patrol the Sea of Japan. What was supposed to be a simple mission turned into a disaster.

Reprisal: "Sis above you!" I looked up and to my despair, a bomb was dropped and struck me with a loud explosion. Thankfully it did not sink me, although my MG was badly damaged but not irreparable.

Zuikaku: "You girls continue with the fight I'll take her back."

Shokaku: "きっと大丈夫でしょう?" (Sure you'll be alright?)

Zuikaku: "Yeah. We'll be off." She carried me on her shoulder and we teleported back to our FOB.

(A/N) Now in the Manga. Assault and Suppression ships (Aircraft carriers) are capable of teleporting/flying, but teleporting makes more sense to me.

When we returned home thanks to Shokaku giving the report, my ship was put to dry dock. It'll take quite some time which meant I'll be staying here for quite a bit and since I was heading home I decided to use my bow from now on.

Zuikaku's POV
Azur Lane world
Shokaku and Zuikaku's Room

I could tell something was wrong normally she has a lot of awareness, my guess is it's related to what happened a few weeks ago when she talked about it.

Zuikaku: "You were lost in thought because of what happened a few weeks ago?"

Iwo: "Yeah. Lately, the dream became far more detailed and frightening than when I told you back then."

Zuikaku: "後輩、教えてくれませんか?" (Junior, can you tell me?) Her eyes began to tear up a little.

Iwo sniffing loudly: "はい。その悪夢の終わりに、私が死ぬ前に、私はあなたを抱きしめて泣きました、そしてあなたの前に、あなたの妹でした。私はあなたを私の先輩としてだけでなく私の恋人としても見たので、それはとても痛いです。結局のところ、私たちは一緒にとても多くの時間を過ごしました。" (Yes. At the end of that nightmare, before I died, I embraced you and cried, and before you, was your sister. It hurts so much because I saw you both not only as my seniors but also as my lovers. After all, we spent so much time together.)

So that's how she saw us, not only her seniors to her but also lovers. It never once crossed my mind but looking back at it she's right, out of all people she spent time with was mostly me and my sister. Who she shared her troubles with also me and my sister. Goodness, I've been an idiot to not notice this until now. I guess I'll respond to her feelings about me.

Zuikaku embracing her: "Sorry I was an idiot that I never noticed, I always thought that it was senior and junior, but I'm not sure if Shokaku is the same."

Iwo: "Don't worry at least you know now."

Zuikaku: "Come on let's get you some rest."

Iwo: "Yeah."

I put her on my bed since I knew she likes sleeping on the tatami. Now that's done I'm not sure what to do here since most of the base is deployed elsewhere to handle the Sirens, and only so few remain here either resting from the battle or getting repairs. So I headed out to buy food for us to eat for dinner, when I returned she was still fast asleep. I placed our food on the table and went to wake her up.

Zuikaku: "You sure slept well."

Iwo: "Yeah." She smells the air. "Is that Kitsune Udon?"

Zuikaku: "Yeah, let's eat." We sat down at the table and ate our meal.

Iwo: "You know." I focus on her. "If that nightmare ever comes true, then I want to fight it to the end and create a future where everyone smiles, and make them pay for those peaceful seas to return once more, even if it comes at a cost."

Zuikaku: "Then let us all help you to the end."

Iwo: "はい、先輩。" (Yes, senior.)

Zuikaku: "Let's eat up before it gets cold." We continued eating, went for a bath, and got some sleep.


I woke up as the sun rises out the window, I was about to get out of bed when she held my hand so tightly and painfully saying: "Don't go." Soon after she lets go of it. I was out buying breakfast when I thought of what Vestal told me yesterday.

Vestal: "Her mental cube is 80% corrupted if nothing is done I fear she'll turn against us. I'll keep you posted every day."

80% looks like I'll have to race against time to get that number down, but how? I ponder over this question. Now that I think about it I haven't given my proper answer to her I guess I'll start with there. After I returned home I woke her up to a nice breakfast.

Living room

Iwo: "Oh this is..."

Zuikaku: "Yeah, it's Eggs with Furikake with some Miso soup." Now's my chance to properly respond to that question yesterday, I pull her in for a kiss that surprises her.

Zuikaku: "I never gave you my answer yesterday so consider that kiss my answer." She was blushing very hard.

Iwo: "I-i see, I guess we felt the same way even though it took you long to realize it."

Zuikaku: "Well let's eat up." We ate our meal, I checked on it to make sure it was going down, and yes it's down by 10% I'll keep it up. "Oh yeah, I also bought you some things for you." I open the bag that I carried with me to reveal a Hachimaki with the words 珍しい勇気 (Uncommon Valor) I of course read up her namesake so I thought it'd fit her best, her new uniform was a Miko with a shortened skirt designed and colored in the same style as her current clothes.

Iwo in a soft tone: "T-thank you."

Zuikaku: "Is it just me or have you gotten quieter?"

Iwo in a soft tone: "N-no. I'll get changed."

Zuikaku: "Yeah." I waited outside when I heard her cry for help.


I hurriedly open the door to see her completely changed, from her usual Black Volcanic Ash hair turn as white as snow, her usual red eyes turned brown. Something must've changed it.

Iwo in a soft tone: "Umm 先輩." (Senior)

Honestly, I was at a loss for words her usual self was pretty but what I'm seeing before me is even prettier.

Zuikaku: "You look stunning in that, but what exactly happened to the usual colors?"

Iwo in a soft tone: "わからない." (I don't know.) I think for a moment maybe she should change back to her normal clothes.

Zuikaku: "Maybe removing those items should help." She began to change back to her usual clothes and sure enough, it returned to normal.

Zuikaku: "I thought so, but I really like you wearing all that."

Iwo in a soft tone: "Since you like it I'll keep wearing it, and besides I think it's time to have a new set of clothes since I never had one."

We spent the rest of the day as normal though some are curious as to who she is. When I told them they were all shocked to think it is still her despite the changes, and by the end of the day, it was down to 60% thanks to that complement.

Hi guys I'm back with the start of Season 3 which is a complete change in character which although she still keeps part of her usual self although she's become less aggressive and quieter than normal, if you're wondering what she looks like now think of it as Shokaku (KC for hair and clothes), Jinstuu (KC for eyes and personality) and Soryuu/Hiryuu Kai Ni(KC for the Hachaki)put together while keeping parts of her original self. With that see you next time.

The unfinished sistersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz