First time home (Reprisal's POV)

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They arrived in the morning after getting a good night's sleep as they arrive in port they disengage their rigging and walk to the Eagle Union dorm it's been 3 months since we've entered the new world and the continuation war is in its 3rd year during that time we've seen almost non-stop action against the Sirens and the duo were tired of constant action and for the next 2 months, they're going to be resting along with their fleet.

Azur Lane HQ: Eagle Union Dormitory

Iwo: "Man it feels good to be home after so long."

Reprisal: "Yeah it sure has I wonder how they're doing?" We enter the door of the Eagle Union dorm.

Okinawa: "お姉ちゃんおかえりなさい." (Big sister, welcome home.)

Iwo: "私たちは家にいます." (We're home.)

Okinawa: "Haloをプレイする準備はできましたか?" (Ready to play Halo?)

Iwo: "Yeah let's go." We head to our room to begin to play our game.

Reprisal: "Now then little sister shall we have our ice cream since I promised that we'll have it once I'm back."

Bastogne: "Yeah let's go big sister."

We have parted ways as we started being together for so long, having met their 6 other sisters, Okinawa, Pearl Harbour, Wake, Bastogne, Carentan, and Cologne. They decided to split up and maybe one of those days they'll all be interacting with each other.

We went to a cafe nearby to have a nice drink and some cake and ice cream, where we find Carentan and Cologne waiting.


Cologne: "Schwester, es ist so lange her, wie geht es dir?" (Sister it's been so long how are you?)

Reprisal: "I'm fine Cologne, but it's been too long since I last saw you."

Carentan: "en effet c'était Représailles, allons-nous prendre du café?" (Indeed it was Reprisal, shall we have some coffee?)

Reprisal: "Yeah, I think I'll settle with that."

Soon after we all sat down as we talked about what we did since we last saw each other like true sisters.

Bastogne was more like a tomboy due to her namesake being the Battle of Bastogne, she wore shorts with a sleeved shirt colored in Olive Drab, carries an M1A1 Thompson SMG she also has an M4A3E2 Jumbo reading 'First in Bastogne', and wears thick boots. Her tone was also more like a tomboy too.

Carentan is an Iris-Eagle, her namesake is the Battle of Carentan. She spoke very fluent French thanks to her heritage, she wore a white dress with white hair. Personality-wise she's more caring I'd say it's almost like Iwo Jima.

Cologne is an Iron-Eagle,  her's is the Battle of Cologne. She spoke very fluent German, wore a uniform similar to Mainz, she carries a Kar 98K with a scope like Bastogne she also has key chains that of an M26 Pershing and a Panther. Her hair color was Black, and her tone was more easy-going, unlike some Iron Blood ships.

Me? Well, I wear a small hat with Dark blue color, I wear a kind of 18th-century military uniform but color-wise is more up-to-date like the rest. My tone is like a big sister since I'm the most complete of the bunch.

By the time we're done with our treats it's noon, and still had lots of time so we went to the movies, played some sports before we knew it, it was already sunset.

Cologne: "Let's call it a day."

Carentan: "Yeah, how about settling for a bath."

Bastogne: "Fine by me."


Reprisal: "Yeah, this feels best after a full day out."

Cologne: "How's the war going over there?"

Reprisal: "Well, for now, we're winning."

Bastogne: "You kind of look skeptical about this? Something up?"

Reprisal: "Yes, after our encounter 2 months ago with the Sirens. I've got a feeling that they'll be teaming up with whoever is in charge over there."

Carentan: "I see, speaking of we're getting new orders which will be issued once our break's over."

Bastogne: "Yeah, but if we're going to where you're going then. Fleet ready to blow up HQ!"

Reprisal: "Can't wait to see what they are though, and yes Bastogne I see where you got that from."

Cologne: "In der Tat, aber egal, Wir sind bereit." (Indeed, but no matter we're ready.)

Carentan: "Oui, en effet soeur." (Yes indeed sister.)

Reprisal: "Alright let's go." We head out of the bath, watched Band of Brothers and the Pacific before heading to bed.

Hi guys now first things first, sorry if this chapter feels short but it's like whenever I do Iwo Jima I can do extremely well when going to someone else it kinda suffers a bit. I think it's mainly because writing her chapter has given me lots of joy and new friends.

Second, as of now, I'm making 2 brand new special chapters due to it being a particular someone's birthday. I decided to stick to a one-off thing which is more preferable but in my heart, I'll always celebrate their birthdays. So do expect 2 new chapters Sunday 2 weeks from now, one in this book and the other in 'The fated encounter with the Samurai of the Eagle Union'. With that see you.

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