Saving some new comrades and punching a hole

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Iwo Jima's POV

It's been several weeks since our repairs were completed along with our upgrades to our arsenal and defensive capabilities, our base in Saganami bay was under construction for these past few weeks but were forced to stop time and again due to their presence now it was time to set-up proper.

ARP Soryu: "Now that your upgrades are finished, you'll feel a bit of a tingly feeling since somehow our core and your wisdom cube mixed. Since they mixed, you'll see Klein field percentage, ammunition count for missiles and torpedoes, and in some ships, superweapons that all need processing power except munitions count, it'll take some time to get used to."

After that particular notification here we are now finding someone, in recent months there have been those who follow ARP Musashi, and those who choose their own path, one of these was in the South Pacific according to ARP Soryu it's under the command of the Implacable along with Pioneer, Anson, Bermuda, Grenville, Quickmatch, Teazer, Nepal. When we arrived we found them under siege by lots of Sirens saturating their Klein Fields.

Iwo: "パーティーは招待されずに始まったようです." (Looks like the party started without us being invited.)

Reprisal: "Yeah, it sure has let's clean 'em up." Soon after we engaged our riggings with all our hulls being painted in azure, this was our first field test of using these new weapons which really came in handy, being able to sink them with one corrosive hit or one salvo of normal munitions.

This caught Purifier, Tester completely off guard since they never thought their fleet sank in seconds but as they always do they bring more of 'em with Purifier charging right at us heading straight for me.

I began firing my Garand at her once she came into CQC she knocked my gun away at the same time I drew my katana locking her in very swift exchanges of blows.

(A/N) Watch from 0:54 to 1:00 is how I picture it going down.

After she knocked my katana out of my hand she thought she had me until from nowhere I drew an energy sword and slice one of her hands off she screams in agony and soon ran off.

After she knocked my katana out of my hand she thought she had me until from nowhere I drew an energy sword and slice one of her hands off she screams in agony and soon ran off

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We soon rendezvous with our new friends.

ARP Implacable: "Thanks for the assist, you must be our backup."

Iwo: "Yeah, I'm AL (Azur Lane) Iwo Jima."

ARP Implacable: "I see then let's get planning."

The plan we were discussing is to break the blockade around Japan with our current firepower it's totally doable but it's likely that the 2nd orientational fleet would be near the first which by the time we arrive should be at Sagami bay according to them the ship in charge is Kongo.

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