Entering a new world

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Iwo Jima's POV

Now that war is over and everything is back the way it was you think it's the end of it, well you're wrong because while we're cleaning up their final pockets of resistance 3 portals opened right next to Azur Lane's headquarters at Hawaii. So there are currently 3 fleets on deployment to scout out these portals and my fleet happens to be one of them consisting of our previous members which are Reprisal, Haida, Sydney, Błyskawica, Kidd, Sullivans, including me. At the same time, we gained more members in North Carolina, Shokaku, Zuikaku, Suzutsuki, Ayanami, Prinz Heinrich, Leander, and Javelin. Soon after the war was over we were put into one of these portals to see where we end up.

After resting up for a day to take on supplies we embark on our new adventure all we had to do is Search and Destroy the ones that left sounds easy well you're wrong because where we ended up was in a world where humanity has been driven from the sea by an unknown enemy.

NC worried: "What happened here?" The sight was we were looking at a massive wall that separates the port from the sea just broken and lots of ships sinking.

Iwo pointing to the yellow and green hulls: "For now let's sink those two, then get knowledge of where we are, and the threat level."

Haruna: "Looks like we got more guest Kirishima."

Kirishima: "Well then let's get rid of them too Haruna."

Haruna: "Understood." They shoot their weapons which were laser beams, missiles, and a few torpedoes.

Shokaku: "Everyone evasive maneuvers!" We're lucky cause that would've caused major damage or sink us completely.

Just then someone opens a communication channel to us saying that we just have to keep it up after the two ships were locked onto another one in front of us and we did asking who sent that message for later once it's over, soon after a massive explosion rocked between the 2 ships that were docked together nothing we've ever seen followed by a silence that filled the night sky. A submarine appears off my Port-bow their captain wishing to come aboard I granted him access to dock right next to me, everyone else was a finger on the trigger in case they make any sudden movements. I also prepared a table and 3 chairs so we can discuss.

Gunzo offering a hand-shake: "I'm Gunzo, captain of 1-401."

Iona: "I'm Iona, the mental model of I-401." We all take a seat.

Iwo returning the gesture: "I'm Iwo Jima, Flagship of the 1st Azur Lane Carrier task force. You can call me Iwo."

Gunzo: "Sure Iwo, then where did you come from?"

Iwo: "To answer that question, I can't say but I'm from another universe that created me, only to be scrapped in 1949 and then join Azur Lane. I do have someone who knows where we're from far better Haida." She boards my ship.

Haida: "Of course, to put it simply our history is that we once ruled the seas until the enemy we called 'Siren' showed up and took the seas away but thanks to the mental cube Azur Lane was formed, and Humanity won the First Azur-Siren war after that Azur Lane split in 2 with Iron Blood and Sakura Empire leading the Crimson Axis while the Royal Navy and Eagle Union remained in Azur Lane. After that was the Second Azur-Siren war which had both camps almost annihilated each other, now Azur Lane is re-formed and the 'Siren' thought destroyed but now we're on the hunt for the remaining ones that did escape into 3 different portals."

Iwo: "Thank you Haida, and you don't mind pouring us some tea?"

Haida: "Sure." After a few minutes, she brings our warm cup of tea and returns to the screening duties.

Iwo: "So what's your story?"

Gunzo: "To put it simply it's the same as yours until 2039 there was an unknown fleet possessing advanced technology we call them 'The Fleet of Fog', the blockade was after the great naval battle that year except we have no way of countering them for nearly 2 decades."

Iwo: "What were those weapons earlier?"

Gunzo: "I'll explain them to you in a much better place. So you don't mind waiting till then?"

Iwo: "I don't mind, but I need to record it so I can pass it back."

Iona: "I'll provide all the details of our weapons and defenses."

Iwo: "Thank you, Iona."

We head into the docks so we can pick up what they came for which was a type of weapon designed to destroy 'The Fleet of Fog'. They then said they have someone to get which were Haruna, Kirishima, and Makie from the mansion. After that, we head into Sagami Bay so we can record the situation, as well as the type of technology we're up against soon after we parted ways, and we return to our world to give the report and their judgment was threat level 3 being the maximum so it was given the main forces of Azur Lane to combat the threat posed there whereas lighter forces including new formations will be in the other portals to help combat the 'Siren' and its allies.

Hi guys it's been a while since I uploaded and sorry about the book 'Stories of the front' since I had training at the time but I can promise the first chapter will be out by the end of January. 

I was thinking if I want to end the story where it was or continue which means more creative solutions to solve it I added 3 portals(from left to right): Arpeggio of blue steel, Kantai Collection, and finally Haifuri. So I can keep expanding until I'm finally out of steam which means it'll be a long one so I hope you're ready because I sure am ready to keep giving you readers some good chapters that hopefully you like and do leave me some comments, and votes. After all, that means you really love the story. You know it feels like I've been repeating it so many times so next time I'll surely not repeat it because I know how much you like it so with that I'll see you next chapter.

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