Special Chapter: ??? What!

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This is based on a conversation that I and Ent1610 had on the 26th of July 2020. Although it's not exactly what happened, I feel it's close enough. It's a special collab between us authors.

Late Night
Eagle Union Dorm
Iwo Jima's Room


Ok, today's the day Ent1610 steals Iwo Jima's sword for his book. He smiles with malicious intent as he enters her room. After getting her sword just as he left the room she woke up.

Iwo: "Ent, give me back my sword."

Ent1610: "No, I need it for something."

Iwo: "So you won't give me back, then die." He ran like my life depended on it until someone came out.

Bastogne: "What's going on?"

Ent1610: "Bastogne help me Iwo's after me." He ran with her until they're out of sight.

Some disclosed area

Ent1610 panting: "Thanks."

Bastogne: "No problem, why she's after you?"

Ent1610 shrugs: "Not sure."

Bastogne: "That sword you stole it from Iwo didn't you?"

Ent1610 sweating nervously: "No." Next thing he knew he was out cold.

Another disclosed area

Ent1610: "Where am I?"

Iwo: "Oh you're awake. Now then for not only stealing my sword not giving back to me, and lying to my sister you're punishment will be 10 seconds of rubber bullets from my Stinger MG, hope you're ready."

Ent1610 in fear: "N-noooooooo." The MG that's capable of up to 1,500 rounds a minute started firing and for the next 10 seconds Ent1610 felt her wrath.

Next Morning

Azure: "Huh where's Ent1610?"

Iwo: "Hospitalized cause he stole my sword, didn't return when I offered him the chance, and lied to Bastogne."

Azure: "Well he really deserved it."

In the Hospital

Ent (Ent1610's Enterprise): "Oi, you alright?"

Ent1610: "Yeah, I think so somehow."

Ent: "What happened?"

Ent1610: "Tried to take Iwo Jima's sword and got punished for it."

Ent: "Why would you do that?"

Ent1610: "I thought it'd look better with you than her." He got smacked in the head for that.

Ent: "Idiot, you might just as well buy one than steal hers."

Ent1610: "Sorry." The rest of the day was no problem whatsoever.

Anyways guys that's the end of this chapter I hope you laughed your heart out cause it's a parody of what Ent1610 and I did that night. 

When he was talking about his new chapter with him stealing as a prank. So I sent Iwo after him while we played War thunder, we were playing the map Sweden, she eventually caught up to him with a T-54 shooting him in the UFP (Upper front plate) I said looks like Iwo caught up to you. In the end, she caught up to him thanks to Bastogne being the buildings at B.

I'm sorry this is short but I can't fit many ideas into it so I did the funniest in this case. Anyways see you soon.

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