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Daniel's pov

I hugged my blanket really tight, I know that I am a big boy but I am still scared of my nightmares. I wrapped myself in my blanket and slowly walked down the steps. I tried not to hit any of the pictures mom put lining the stairs, she just put up my 5th birthday picture that we took last week, I really don't want to knock it down. She was so happy when we got the picture taken.

I had to sneak past Chica who was sleeping on the landing on top of the steps. She opened her eyes but she didn't move.

When I got to the bottom of the steps I heard mom laughing in the kitchen, I slowly walked through the living room.

"I love you so much." Dad said.

"I love you too silly." Mom laughed.

I peeked in and I saw dad picking mom up and spinning her around the room, her laugh filled the room.

"Mark, I am going to wake him up." Mom said trying to stop her laughing, but it didn't work.

"He can sleep through anything, he gets that from me." dad said, spinning mom the other way making her laugh again.

" I know, but I still don't want him to be woken up."

"Too late." Dad said making eye contact with me, "What's up bud?" Dad asked me as he put mom's feet on the floor.

"Bad dream." I said. "Big scary monsters came and attacked us."

"It's okay honey." Mom said scooping me up, she put me on the island next to her. " Mommy and daddy are right here."

"I know, which I am happy for. But it was so scary." I hid my face in my blanket.

"I bet it was bud." Dad said, "But it's okay. The scary stuff is gone and we are all here."

I peaked out from my blanket.

"Can I share your bed?" I asked low.

"I think we all need to go to bed." Mommy said.

"I will carry you." Dad said picking me up.

"Mommy?" I looked at her.

"I am coming too, Mommy's ribs hurt and I don't want to drop you." Mommy said as she followed us up the steps.

Mommy's ribs always hurt, she can only carry me for a little then she has to put me down. I wish I could make mommy feel better. I don't like that she is hurt.

As we were getting to the top of the steps Chica was sitting at the top of the steps now.

"Why does Chica sleep so much?" I asked.

"She is tired, she is up in age and it is hard for her to get around." Dad said sounding sound.

"Chica get some more sleep." I said as we walked past her.

I watched Chica walk into my parent's room and lay in her doggy bed. She curled up and was sleeping again.

Dad put me on the bed and I crawled to the middle so I can be with both mom and dad.

I sat there waiting for my parents to come back into their room from brushing their teeth.

"Do you want another bedtime story?" Mom asked as she walked into her room.

"No, I sleepy." I rubbed my eyes.


Mom and dad got into bed cuddling with me keeping me safe.

As I drifted off to sleep, I heard mom's voice,

"Sleep my baby, I hope that you only have to see those monsters in your nightmares. Nothing in real life. We will always keep you safe."

Mom always says this to me, but I don't know what she means by real life monsters.

********The next day***************

"Uncle Tyler! Look!" I showed him a huge carrot that I pulled from the ground.

"Wow! Look at that one! But I don't know how happy mom is gonna be when she sees that you have more dirt on you and your clothes then the whole garden does."

I looked down at my outfit, it is now all black and grassy.

I looked up at Uncle Tyler and giggled.

He gave me the basket to put the carrot in then I ran to the other end of the garden to see what else I can get.

"There is my little gardener." Mom said as I was pulling another carrot from the ground.

"Hi mom!" I smiled up at her.

"What are you pulling?" She asked walking over to me.

"A carrot." I smiled as I yanked really hard, I pulled so hard that I got the carrot out of the ground but I also fell on my butt.

"Whoa! Are you okay?"

"Yep." I smiled. "Mommy look! I got it."

"Good job! But we need to get back home so I can start dinner. But it looks like someone needs a bath." She laughed.

"Do I have to?" I looked up at her.

"Yes, and we need to get going. Dad will be back from work soon."

"Where does dad work at?"

"He is helping make some new laws so people can't come in here and hurt us."

"Is that what that alarm means that goes off sometimes?"

"Yeah, and the men run down to the gate to see who is trying to come in."

"Will I have to run down there?"

"Maybe later, but right now no. You are too young to go down there."

I nodded my head yes then stood up, I put the carrot in the basket then looked up at mommy.

"You ready to go back home?' She asked me.

"No." I giggled.

" I know, but come on." She laughed with me.

Amy's pov

After dinner I gave a few toys to Daniel in the living room to play with as Mark and I talk.

"What did they say?" I asked him low in the kitchen.

"Well, there is a chance that I am still contaminated. The doctors are saying that we should not try for another kid."

"What about Daniel? That nurse told us that he is 100% free from the mutation, but is it in him? Like can he pass it on to his kids?"

"They will have to run more blood tests on him to find out."

"Do you think I should just get the surgery? They can tie my tubes and we will not be able to have any more kids."

"I don't like the idea of you going under the knife, especially how sucky the medical team is. I don't trust them."

Mark walked over to me holding me tight.

"I love you too, we will just need to be careful what we do." I said.

"Yeah, just like we did with Daniel." He laughed.

I buried my face into his chest laughing.

"Everything is going to be okay, you are not getting any surgery. If I need to I will go and get it done." Mark said.

"NO!" I looked up at him. "If you don't want me to go under, then you are not allowed to go under."

"Deal." He said then pulled me in for a passionate kiss.

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