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Amy's pov

"No, they can't do that." I said through the tears.

I have been crying all night, holding onto Mark. He was rocking me, trying to calm me down. Everyone heard me scream so they came into the room and they haven't left us.

"There has to be a way around it." Mika said.

"They are working on getting it passed." Ethan said, "But they have time before they say yes. There are about 30 couples who have been told to try for kids. After the kids are born, they want to wait a few more months then start the next generation."

"They can't force people to have kids." Tyler said shaking his head. "That is just crazy."

"But what if they do?" Mika asked.

"You both are healthy, you don't have to worry about it." Mark said, "When the time comes. you two will be able to start a family with each other."

"I don't want to cheat on you."I looked up at Mark, "I have my rights, I can tell them no and to fuck off!"

"What if they make it a law? You will go to jail." Ethan said.

"Then so be it." I snuggled into Mark.

"They can't make rape legal." Mark growled.

"They can do the thing where they use a turkey baster and put it in you." Ethan said.

"That is still rape! I don't want it!" I looked at him, "Plus whose swimmers would they use? That is gross."

"Let's be real here, we are in a world that is trying to rebuild itself. There is an asshole in charge who just might approve this bullshit law." Tyler said, "If it happens, we need to have a plan. Mika and Amy both can carry kids. We have no idea what he is planning to do after he sets this law. He might do a pairing randomly or give the choice to pick. This world is fucked up as it is. Who knows what he wants to do?"

"If we have to pick." Mika looked at me sad.

"There is not that many guys to pick from." I said quietly. "I don't want to pick anyone other than Mark. There has to be another way!"

"The only healthy male in this group is Ethan." Tyler said.

"Nope!" Ethan put his hands up. "There is no way in hell I would be able to do it with you Amy. I am sorry but nope!"

I let out a slight chuckle then said. "I feel the same way."

"Maybe there will be enough uproar about this law and they will see just how stupid it is and they will not pass it." Mark said. "But if they do pass it, we will be leaving. I am not going to let this happen to you." He kissed the top of my head.

I nodded my head yes, "Thank you."


It has been two months since we slept over Ethan's and Mika's. The mayor keeps moving Rodger around so Mark can't find him. But Mark has a good idea on where he is.

"Hey." Mark said wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me into him.

"Hello to you as well." I giggled.

He kissed my neck, making me close my eyes as I let out a low moan.

"If I didn't agree with meeting with Tyler and Ethan to go look at that store down the hill. We for sure would be doing a lot more."

"Rude." I turned around to look him in the eyes.

"I know, but this place looks to be untouched and we are hoping it has so food that we can freeze."

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