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Mark's pov

Dear Mark and Amy,

We went over both of yours lab results to see if you would be able to have kids, we are pleased to tell you that you both have passed the physical exam. You both will be great parents and we are excited for you guys to start a new life. BUT at this time, you have NOT been cleared to have kids due to the amount we already passed. We will send you another letter explaining when you two will be able to start trying for kids. We thank both of you for wanting to start a family and keeping the world alive.

The letter played over and over in my head.I haven't told Amy yet and she is so excited to start a family. This letter is going to destroy her. I need to tell her and not this sheet of paper.

"Dude, what is going on?" Tyler asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"Just some stuff, trying to keep Amy alive and safe is almost impossible when they don't give you shit to do it." I looked at him.

"I know, I spend almost all night patching up the house."

"We have random clothes covering holes in the walls and floors. We have to watch Chica so she doesn't fall into the holes."

"We have to do the same with Spencer." Ethan said walking over. "But boss is coming over, act busy."

We all picked up some debris and carried it to the trash pile.

"Good work guys, this house should be cleaned up in no time. We have some new families coming in who need the place." Mikey said, walking over to us.

"We have new people coming in? But we don't have enough food for the people that are already here." I said, looking at him.

"It is more mouths to feed but it is also more hands to work."

I shook my head. I need to keep my mouth shut, for I know what will happen if I keep fighting with him.

"After this house, we have another one down the street that needs to be fixed."

"What about the hospital? We need to get a team working on that." Tyler said.

"Right now the houses are our most important buildings to get fixed."

"Why don't we have half of the group work on the houses and the other half work on the hospital?" Ethan asked.

"Why are you three speaking out of turn?" He glared at us.

"Because we want to live." I said, "What will happen if someone has a medical issue?"

"Then they will go to the medical area until we can get to the hospital."

All three of us looked at each other, we knew that this is a lost battle.

"Get back to work and no more lip from anyone here."

We all walked away from him, once he was far enough away Ethan said, "He is going to get someone killed."

"I know, let's just hope it is not one of us." I muttered as we continued to work.

"Did you guys get your letters?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah." I said looking at him.

"Me and Mika passed, they want us to start a family right away but we don't even know each other all like that. We just met not that long ago. We both are trying to appeal it."

"We passed but we were told not to try, they sent us five condoms in the letter as well." I went back to work.

"Will you be okay if we write in the letter that we don't feel that we are ready and that we want you two to have the spot?" His voice was shaking.

The Do OverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang