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Amy's pov

"So when are you leaving since everyone wants you to go?" I asked Mark as I walked into the kitchen.

"Two hours." He was stirring something in a pot.

"Why do you have to go?" I asked low.

"I need to find a nurse."

"We can give birth here, we can find a kiddy pool or a bathtub, get some hot towles."

"Amy." He looked over at me.

"I can not lose you."

"You will not lose me. I am right here."

"Yeah, but in two days you will be traveling to who the fuck knowns where for who knows how long. We don't know what is out there. What if you get another knife in your back? Being a Youtuber is not going to save you all the time."

"I know, we will be smarter about this trip."

"Please, have Tyler or Ethan go. Shit let Mika or Eveline go!"

"The plan is already set for me to go with Sean."

"Change it!"


"NO, I am so tired of this, you have gone on like 40 trips and you are gone for days, even weeks at a time. When this kid comes are you going to keep running out there risking your life still? Why is it that you have to go all the fucking time? You have almost died so many times. We don't know how many more of these are going to be almost. What if something or someone really does kill you?" Tears flooded my face as my knees got weak. "It's not fair that you are the one who keeps going."

"Amy." His face was pale.

"No. Go get ready to leave again, you will be leaving soon."  I walked to the steps leaving him standing there.

Once I got to our bedroom I climbed in bed still crying. I am not strong enough to lose him. What if this kid is a mutant? How am I going to raise this kid alone? I know I have the others but.

Chica jumped into bed next to me cuddling up next to me.

"Hi Chica, I know all of this is crazy. Thank you. You're going to stay with me while Mark heads out, right?"

She stood up then licked my face.

"Good girl." I laughed then watched her lay next to me.

"I don't want to leave you." Mark's voice was low as he stood in the doorway. "I hate these days where I am away from you. But I need to do it. The others don't know that there have been some supplies that I have been hiding from them. I sneak them and make sure that you get them. I am worried that with you carrying our child that you are not eating enough. So when we do the food runs for fresh meat I always kill more animals then I report in. After everyone is asleep I will take Chica out for a walk and pick up the extra meat. I store it in the freezer downstairs, take a shower then climb in bed with you. I have been using the nurse as a cover for trying to find more things for you. You need more vitamins and clothes. If I can find somewhere that has a few more shirts and pants for you."

"Mark." I cut him off as I sat up. "Stop it. You are going to drive yourself crazy. Thank you for making sure that I have enough food but what about you? And the rest of your friends? They are our friends here, you can't hide this stuff from them. And you need to trust them that they will find the stuff that we need."

"I do trust them but, I trust myself better."

"You need to trust them more."

He closed his eyes.

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