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Amy's pov

"Do you think we will have enough stuff to last us a few months?" I asked Mark as I walked into the kitchen, he was cutting up some fruit.

"Close to it, we are already looking at different areas we can find new things at."

"But what if they are outside of the city?"

"Then we will take a few days trip and go get it." He put the fruit in two containers, one for me and one for him. He finished packing our lunches as we talked.

"Day trips?"

"Yeah, and you will be coming with me. I am not leaving you here alone with these idiots."

I gave him a weak smile when he turned around.

"The past couple weeks you have not seem like yourself, what is going" He walked over to me feeling my forehead.

"I don't know, I keep getting these insane pains in my tummy and my back but then it goes away."

"I really wish we had a real doctor that I can take you too." He looked so sad.

"I will be okay, just on your next trip can you get me some pain meds?"

"I will see what I can find.'

"Thank you."

He kissed my forehead holding onto me.

"I have to go to work today, they are having us build this big ass building. I am hoping it is a jail." He said.

"Good, then they can put all of the low lifes there."

"My thoughts are the same."

"How far away is this place?"

"Well, we will be getting into a golf cart and driving."

"So far."

"Yeah, I am not a fan of it either but it is the only job that is open, and they are doubling our pay for this one."

"So we will get four apples instead of two?"

"Something like that."

I snuggled into him.

"I know, I don't want to go either but if I don't then who knows when the next job will be open."

"How many hours a day will you be gone?"

"I leave normal time and will get back an hour later."

"That's not fair!"

"I know, I am so sorry."

"It's not your fault, I am still in the garden."

"Do they have anyone with you still?"


"Good, if they pull the person then I will hurt all of them."

"I know you will." I laughed into his chest.

"I love you so much, but I do need to get going."

"I love you too, please come home as soon as you can."

He pulled me in for a very rough kiss making me sad when he pulled away.

I watched him get his bookbag and leave out the door.

"Come on Chica, let's go to the garden." I said patting her head.

I got my lunch that Mark made for me and we headed to the garden in the main part of town.

"Amy, there you are."  Megan said as we walked into the garden.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked.

"Your late!"

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