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Amy's pov

"We have been on the road for a day now. Where is the nurse?" Mark asked as he rubbed my belly.

"She got cold feet." Sean said, looking out the window.

"So there is no nurse who will help deliver the baby?" I started to panic.

"I will find someone." Sean turned to look at me, "I just need to find someone who I trust."

"And where the hell are you going to find them here in the middle of nowhere?"  I barked.

"Relax." Mark pulled me onto his lap.

"Sorry, I am just scared."  I said.

"I know, I am, too." Sean said, "I am scared because this person knows that we are running away, what if they tell the mayor and he comes looking for us?"

"I don't think he will." Ethan said, "I think, to be honest, he is glad that we will be gone. Mark was always trying to fight him for being an idiot."

"This is true." Mark said.

"Where can we find another nurse?" I asked.

"We will find one and ask them to help, I know this is all scary but we will get through this." He kissed the top of my head.

The rest of the car ride, no one said anything. Tyler pulled into a parking lot but kept driving.

"We can't stop here." He said.

"Why?" Mark asked.


Mark's grip on me tightened.

"There seems to only be like three." Sean said, "We can take them."

"You're going to kill innocent people?" I asked.
"Trust me, that one on the left. Is far from innocent." He growled.

"Down." Tyler said laughing. "We do need to fill up so it looks like we are going to have to take them on."

I looked up at Mark as he said,

"I will go, Ethan stay here with the girls, Tyler can fill up as I go with Sean to see what they want. We can walk the dogs, acting like they need to go to the bathroom."

"No, please don't leave." I felt the tears forming. "I have lost you already and now I really can't lose you." I held onto him.

"I will be back, I promise. I am not leaving you."

"I can go and you can stay here." Ethan said.

"I like that idea better." I said.

"Okay, I will stay here and Sean and Ethan will go as Tyler fills up." Mark played with my hair to calm me down.

"Thank you." I said low.

The truck stopped next to a bush, after the guys and dogs jumped out Mark closed the door then held on to me.

"Are you okay?" Mika asked.

"No, but I will be." I looked away.

"We will find a nurse and ask them to help us. We don't have to tell them that there is a chance the baby will come out with three arms." Mark said.

"What if the baby has two heads?" I looked up at him.

"Then we can give the baby kisses at the same time."

"Not funny!" I said.

He covered me in kisses then said.

"We will figure it out, but right now you need to rest and relax. I am right here and so is Mika. Nothing bad is going to happen."

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