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Mark's pov

"You okay?" Sean asked me as we got back in the truck.

"Yeah, I just hate fighting with Amy. Then on top of that I left her after we had a fight."

"You are the one who wants to come out here, we keep telling you to stay with her."

"I know, I just feel like I can protect her better out here than being stuck in the house."

"You will be with her and you can make sure that she doesn't herself or the baby."

"I know but." I closed my eyes. " I feel like I need to be out here."

"Once this baby comes you are not going to be allowed to come out here for a while. You need to make sure that Amy and the baby are okay. We don't even know if this baby is alive in her! She can be given birth to a still born."

"I know." I said low, "I have already thought about that."

"Or what if this baby tries to kill us? You guys had sex when you were both of you had those things after you and you had chemicals thrown at you guys."

"No, the child will not do that. And no one is hurting our child."  I glared at him.

"Dude, I don't want to hurt a kid but you need to be ready for this. I am hoping that this baby comes out 100% normal. But we need to think for the worse."

"I don't care. Amy and I have already talked, no matter what happened to this child. We are going to love it and raise it."

He nodded his head yes then kept driving.

"Where are we heading now?" I asked looking back at the road.

"There is a hideout I found, we need to rest there before we head back home. We both need to get some sleep."

"When we get back I need to bump up the gate. I don't think that the city next to us knows that we have tapped more into their power."

"How the hell are we going to get power if they find out?"

"We can trade with them?"

"I will play with the lines and see what I can do."

"Don't, you will get yourself killed."

"I have hotwired stuff before."

"A car! This is a powerline!"

"Calm down! I will be fine. If not then oh well."



I rolled my eyes at him. I don't have the energy to fight right now.

No one talked the rest of the way to the hideout, Sean pulled into an old parking lot and pulled the truck behind an overgrown bush.

"Last time I was here there was a working shower." Sean said as he jumped out of the truck.

"Let's hope that it is still working."

I followed him down to the building that looked to be a bowling alley.

"Holy shit." A female came out of the door. "Sean."

"Hey. can we crash here for the night?" Sean asked.

"Yeah, come on in."

"This is Emily, we stayed in the airport together." Sean said to me as we walked in.

"Nice to meet you." I said looking around the inside.

It looks like shit but there are places for people to sleep.

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