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Mark's pov

"What the fuck do you mean by there is nothing you can do?" I asked our stupid ass mayor, it has been two weeks since Amy was attacked.

"We don't have a jail, nor do we really know that he did it."

"Are you calling her a liar?" I felt my blood boiling.

"No, but no one else saw him do it, it is her word against his."

"You mean her nightmares, or how about that she is scared to be alone now? She used to love going outside just enjoying the breeze, now she is scared that he is going to come back."

"We need more proof."

"Do you want her clothes that she had on that day? His dirt covered hand prints are all over it."

"You still have them?"

"Yes, because I had a feeling you were going to be an ass about this. You do know that she is not the first female attacked right? But your our mayor so you should know that there have been 13 other reports of men attacking women. But let's not build a jail or take action on these guys. Let's just let them keep attacking."

"I don't like your tone."

"And I don't like you, but we are stuck with each other. Now do your fucking job and fix this."

I walked away from him heading to Amy. She was sitting in a chair with Chica at her feet.

"Hey honey." I said as I sat next to her.

She looked at me then latched on to me.

"I got you." I said as I held her tight.

"He doesn't believe us." She looked up at me.

I looked over at him, he was talking to someone then looked at us. He shook his head then walked away.

"If he doesn't take care of these guys, then I will. I am going to talk to your boss and tell her that you are not to me alone. No matter what." I said then kissed the top of her head.

"He doesn't care, these people are doing work for him so he is going to cover their asses." She looked up at me.

"Well I plan on beating their asses."

A small smile formed on her lips.

"Come on, why don't we go visit Ethan and Mika."

She nodded her head yes.

It is not a far walk to get there, when we got there Spencer greeted us at the door.

"Wow you guys got a lot fixed." I said as we walked into the living room.

"Yeah, I have been getting stuff from the empty house behind us." Ethan said walking into the room.

"There are a couple lots around us that I have been getting stuff from." Mark said.

"We need to find out about the power, we got a letter the other day saying that it will be on soon." Mika said.

"We got that letter as well." Amy said.

"Well our stupid mayor is not going to know anything." I muttered.

"That meeting went south?" Ethan asked.

"He is protecting him and calling Amy a liar."

"It happened to Erin too, by the same guy." Mika said low.

"What? When?" Amy asked.

"A few hours after he attacked you, she was walking home and he grabbed her from behind. He did the same thing he did to you." 

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