Two hours left.

I tried my best not to break down.

I took a look at each of them. Jay was currently downing a bottle of beer, while tweeting on his phone. Max was asleep, with his hood covering his face. Tom had his headphones on, drumming on invisible drums. Siva practically had his phone glued to his face. While Nathan stayed the farthest away from me, not talking, not doing anything. He just suddenly started avoiding me.

Which was excruciatingly painful for me.

I stood up and walked around. I was getting restless.

"I'll be right back," I said, daring to go beyond the barriers of the departure area.

I wandered off to some hidden part of the airport; I think it was some sort of garden.

"Something wrong?"

I jumped at the voice behind me. I whipped around and saw Jay standing behind me with a concerned expression on his face.

"Oh. It's you. Shouldn't you be back there with the guys? This is a long way from there." I replied, looking down at the grass.

He shrugged. "I have long legs, I can run, you know."

I chuckled. "Right."

"So.. What's wrong? You haven't looked this restless ever since the night at the hospital."

"I dunno, Jay," I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"It's Nathan, isn't it?"

I nod.

"Oh. He's just... y'know... sad... about leaving.."

"I know."

"It looks like 'lil Nath's attached to you."

I choked on air. "WHAT? NO!"

"Yes, he is."

"Don't give me false hope."

He cocked his head, trying to process what I'd just said. When he did, his eyes lit up with excitement and shock.

"Holy fuck... You like him!"

I face-palmed myself. "Calm your tits, I'm not sure yet!"


"Calm do-"



"I'm sorry! It's been a long while since a girl experienced his bad side and stayed. I just want him to be happy."

"Lol, bromance?"


I laughed. Jay kept me company for hours, somehow making the pain lessen.

Then Jay's phone rang.

He answered it, still a bit giggly, then his expression turned dark.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'll be right there." He said hurriedly, hanging up.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's Max. Last call for boarding."


Jay and I tore through the airport, dodging people and bags. Jay already got paged.

"How the hell did time fly so fast?!" he yelled, sidestepping as a bag's wheels almost ran over his feet.


We saw the gate number up ahead.



I caught a glimpse of Nathan handing his ticket over to the stewardess.

I put on an extra burst of speed.

"NATHAN! NATHAN!" I cried out his name. I couldn't let him leave without a proper goodbye.

He turned towards the sound of my voice.

He looked like he'd been crying.

He shook it off, dragging his bag into the tube.

"NATHAN! NO, WAIT!" I yelled, already feeling tears roll down my cheeks.

Time slowed down. We reached the gate, my legs feeling like molten lead already. The stewardess tried to hold me back, but I pushed her away, running into the tube. Nathan was halfway to the plane already.


He turned around. "Don't make this harder, Alex."

He bit his lip, closing his eyes as if he was trying to hold back tears.

"You really can't come?"

Another wave of tears flooded my eyes. "If I had a choice, Nathan, I would. This is the way to my future. I can't let it slip away."

"Alexis Cassandra Meyer, you just don't get it, do you?" He says, shaking his head.

"Get what?"

He now towered over me, those bloodshot eyes boring into my soul.

"I'm falling for you, Alexis Cassandra Meyer. You broke all the walls I put up around myself, without even trying. And now we'll be apart. I can't stand distances. It's too hard. Please come."

"I... Nathan, I can't. Please understand."

Tears leaked out of his eyes. "Just give me the assurance that you feel the same way."

I placed my hand on the back of his neck. "I do. It's been eating at me alive."

He smiled wanly, then wrapped his arms around me, lifting me slightly above the ground, burying his face into the crook of my neck. "You're so amazing, you do know that, right?"

I laughed. "I don't think so. And Nathan?"


"Can you promise me that you won't go back to drinking and partying excessively?"

"I promise."

"Feel free to Skype me if you have any problems."

"Will do."

"Excuse me sir, ma'am, but you're delaying our flight." The stewardess said, gesturing to the open plane door.

Nathan sighed, putting me back down.

"I'll miss you." He said, brushing away a tear with his thumb.

"I'll miss you too. I'll be waiting for you."

As soon as I said that, my face flushed.

My brain goes on autopilot sometimes, it's annoying.

I was jarred back to earth when he laughed and planted a small kiss on my forehead.

"I'll see you in three months."

He gave me one last squeeze, then started to walk to the entrance of the plane.

"Don't lose another phone, Jay." I called out as Jay rushed past me.

"I'll try." He grinned.

Then with a final wave, the both of them disappeared into the plane.

I spun on my heel, walked back to the huge windows and ignored the dirty look the stewardess I pushed was giving me. I watched as a plane taxied on the runway, probably their plane. Then in a few minutes, it took off and soared into the sky.

There they go.

I feel numbed.

I have a pretty bad feeling about this.



Btw, if you made it this far, IFUCKINGLOVEYOUOKAY. (: <3

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