"Oh, hi, you're he-WHAT THE HELL ARE MY UNDERWEAR DOING OUT THERE?!" Max screamed, darting towards the hall. Tom followed.


I smiled triumphantly, waving my spoon at them. "A huge gust of wind blew them away, and there was a ninja prepared to attack me, guarding your manly flowered boxers, so I couldn't get it."

They both stared back at me, mouths slightly ajar.

The rest burst out laughing.

In a snap, the two boys started gathering the clothes as fast as they can, before anyone can see it.

Their heads snapped to the left, I guess there was a cleaning lady or something. The other three guys laughed harder.

Then they both turned bright pink, picked up the last brief and ducked inside.

"Alex, I swear-" Tom began to say, turning even redder.

"Oh, psh. Spare me from your tantrum, there isn't much people on this floor. Besides, you already saw my underwear, so we're equal."

"Anyway, how 'bout pasta and pizza?" Jay intervened, holding out a box of pizza.

"How 'bout we clean up first?" I suggested, putting my bowl away, and tossing Max and Tom a smug look.

We started picking up everything on the floor. Unfortunately for me, majority of them were underwear.

"Why do you guys have so much of these?" I remark, holding up a pair of bright red briefs.

Nathan snatched them out of my hand. "You can never be so sure."

A sly smile formed tugged at my lips. "They're yours? I expected them to be smaller."

He blinked, registering just what I said. He gave me a sly look it return.

"That was dirty, Alexis. Watch your mouth."

I winked at him and resumed picking clothes up. It was at least 8 pm when we finished.

By now, I had arbored one of Jay's sweaters.

"Shouldn't you guys be packing already?" I asked, biting down on a slice of pizza.

They shrugged. "That's simple. We'll do it later."

We continued watching the movie.

I soon felt my eyelids drooping. My head lolled to one side, ending up on Nathan's shoulder.

"Sleepy?" He remarked, his voice surprisingly soft.

I smiled wanly and nodded. "I better go home.."

Nathan stood up, offering his hand. "I'll take you home. Come on,"

The other guys turned their attention to us.

"Leaving?" Jay asked, disappointment in his voice.

"In case you want to see us off, plane leaves at 9 am." Max informed.

"We leave the hotel at six, just wait down at the lobby," Tom added.

"We can make arrangements for you to enter the departure area with us," Siva said.

I smiled. "Thanks guys. See you all tomorrow."



I can't believe it.

Time flew too fucking fast for my taste.

We're leaving tomorrow.

Leaving California.

Leaving the beach.

Leaving... Alex.

I stare at her, looking out the window absent-mindedly. She has never looked so beautiful.

Dark hair cascaded down her shoulders messily. Her eyes looked tired, weary, but the familiar emerald green shade in them never disappeared.

I loved the way they glittered mischievously, back at the hotel, when she chucked Tom and Max's clothes out.

Fucking hell. I sound like a girl.

"Man up, Sykes," I tell myself. "Man the hell up."

We reached their house, which looked eerily quiet and empty. Oh, the memories.

She unlocked the door, stumbled inside and went straight into her room. I followed.

She lay face-down on the bed.

"So... Should I leave already?" I asked awkwardly.

"No," came out a muffled reply. "Stay. I'm scared."

I chuckle, close the door, then plop down on a beanbag. She tossed me a remote control.

The next time I looked at her, she had already tucked herself in. I walked towards her bed and sat down next to her.

"Nath?" She said, opening her eyes.


"Can you stay?"

That took me by surprise. Should I? I haven't even packed yet.

My brain took over.


I lay down next to her. That seemed to give her a feeling of security, since she fell asleep in a snap.

I can't bear leaving. Especially with that moment on the beach.

I was THIS close to admitting it. THIS CLOSE! I was feeling totally confident, no worries, no turning back, but then... A click ruined it. ONE. DAMN. CLICK.

Everything was gone. 'poof,' just like that.

My chest hurt. We just had to leave when I was finally sure how I felt.

I liked her.

It took three weeks for me to figure out.

See here, I have trust issues. Terrible relationships, criticism and pressure added.

I was a wreck.

Then I just had to pass out in her car and meet her.

She turned me back to the way I was before.

That's how huge her effect was on me.


Crappy? I know. I just loved the underwear bit. (;


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