Chapter XIV: The King and his court

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"Corvus" - Talking

'Black' - Thinking

~~Slytherin~~ - Parseltongue

"Avada Kedavra" - Spells/curses

"Dark" - Different Languages

🎉🎃!Happy Halloween!🎃🎉


This story may contain violence, coarse language, torture, death, scenes of horror.

And remember I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters!

🙞🙟 Chapter Start 🙝🙜

(Hagrid's Hut, September 21st 1991)

"Godric, are you sure he invited me over?" Neville asked nervously

"Yeah, he said to invite any of my friends over." Godric replied with a smile "Besides Hagrid's great, although I haven't seen him in some time."

"What about you Ron? Have you met Hagrid before?" Neville asked turning to his other friend

"Once or twice I think but that was a really long time ago." Ron answered scratching his head in thought

"You worry too much Neville," Godric sighed "I'm sure Hagrid would love to meet you."

"I just didn't want to seem rude." Neville muttered quietly

Stopping just outside of the wooden hut Godric raised his fist and knocked on the door twice, exciting a response from inside in the form of loud barking.

"Back Fang! Back!" A loud voice rumbled from within the hut, followed closely by the sound of the door unlocking

"Come on in." Hagrid said, "I see yeh got me letter." Hagrid beamed

"Now let's have a look at yeh!" Hagrid spoke in a cheerful manner "Blimey look how much you've grown, you look much like your father did at his age, but you have your mother's red hair." Godric's chest swelled with pride

"And this mus' be Ron, Arthur's youngest son." Hagrid boomed "Haven seen you since you were a toddler, a greedy little tyke you were." Ron flushed red before Hagrid turned to his other visitor

"And who's this then?" Hagrid asked with a thick accent

"N-Neville, Neville Longbottom." Neville stuttered as he introduced himself

"Longbottom?" Hagrid's voice rumbled "Frank and Alice's kid?" Hagrid asked slightly quieter

Neville nodded solemnly "Thumpin' good Auror's they were, tis a shame, it's a bloody shame what happened to them." Hagrid reminisced

"D-Did you know my parents well?" Neville asked

"Yeah, I knew all of yeh parents quite well." Hagrid said fondly "Tell yeh what, if you ever want to hear what your parents were like at school come visit me and I'll tell yer about them."

"T-thank you Hagrid." Neville said with tears in the corner of his eyes

"See Neville, what did I tell you? Hagrid's great!" Godric proclaimed 

🙞🙟 Line Break 🙝🙜

(Slytherin Girls Dormitory)

'Tonight is the night.' Grace thought stepping out of her room

Her thoughts drifting to the events the day before when Ophelia informed her when the Court was supposed to meet. Ophelia hadn't said much when it came to her encounter with Corvus, however, the look in her eyes and the way she acted described it all. Grace had never seen her usually stoic friend so flustered.

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