Chapter XXV: Extortion

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"Corvus" - Talking

'Black' - Thinking

~~Slytherin~~ - Parseltongue

"Avada Kedavra" - Spells/curses

'Crucio' - Silent Casting

"Dark" - Different Languages

For anyone wanting updates on my upload schedule please follow me!

Merry Christmas!


This story may contain violence, coarse language, torture, death, and scenes of horror.

And remember I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters!

🙞🙟 Chapter Start 🙝🙜

(Hogwarts Kitchens, February 29th 1992)

"Why are we meeting here?" Godric frowned "The carriages leave soon." He added as he looked between the Weasley twins, one was sitting on the kitchen counter while the other was standing near him

"He's not very bright is he Georgia?" Freya mocked causing Godric's cheeks to redden

'So Freya is the one sat on the counter.' Godric noted absentmindedly, having been unable to tell the two apart

"Oh, leave the poor boy alone," Georgia replied, "we can't expect that much from someone who hangs around with Ronald." She finished with a smirk

"I am right here you know!" Ron indignantly butted in

Freya sighed and rubbed her head "Looks like we'll have to tell you.."

"Since your tiny minds can't seem to figure it out." Georiga finished

Both Godric and Ron quickly turned red from embarrassment and anger while Neville seemed to give a nervous chuckle as he shuffled slightly, turning his head away from the twins to not meet their eyes. It was evident he was too nervous to admit that he didn't understand why they were meeting here.

"It is quite simple really." Freya mocked

"We won't be taking the carriages," Georgia stated "doing so we will be put on a list of who is going."

"Meaning they will be expecting us to return on the carriages." Freya continued "And if we don't.."

"Then they will come looking for us," Georgia explained, "which would be a quick way of getting caught smuggling contraband."

"Un~der~stand~" Freya emphasized making the trio nod

"E-erm," Neville stuttered "why d-don't you sneak b-back out and return in carriages once everything has b-been smuggled b-back in." Neville queried

"hmm," Georiga hummed with a smile "at least one of you can think for yourselves."

"Well, it sounds like it would work right?" Georgia asked as she leaned towards Neville

Neville nodded shyly "Y-yeah.." he muttered unsure of himself

"It doesn't." Georgia shook her head "It takes too long and we will miss the carriages back to the castle."

"I-I see." Neville smiled appreciatively

"Now," Freya cut in "do you have the money?" She asked as she held her hand out expectingly

"Of course." Godric nodded as he pulled out a pouch "here it is." He said while dropping it into her hand

"There should be enough in there for everything I asked for, I'll give you your fee once you bring it to me." Godric explained

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