Chapter X: An Introduction to The Dark Arts

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"Corvus" - Talking

'Black' - Thinking

~~Slytherin~~ - Parseltongue

"Avada Kedavra" - Spells/curses

"Dark" - Different Languages


This story may contain violence, coarse language, torture, death, scenes of horror.

And remember I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters!

🙞🙟 Chapter Start 🙝🙜

(Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch, September 14th 1991)

The following day at breakfast, Professor Prince informed Corvus that his Quidditch tryout would be at 10 o'clock that morning and would take place on the Quidditch Pitch.

Once Corvus had finished his breakfast he had headed to his room to change into his Quidditch robes. His robes were the same as the Hogwarts Quidditch robes, only, rather than having the Slytherin house crest and colours he had the Black family crest and his robes were coloured black with silver accents.

Lucretia and Pansy had decided to join Corvus and had arrived on the Quidditch pitch shortly after the Slytherin Quidditch team had arrived. Both girls were excited to see how well Corvus could play, while Daphne and Tracey were also excited they decided to stay in the Slytherin common room for the morning.

"Good you're here." Marcus Flint spoke as Corvus walked over, both Lucretia and Pansy had stayed near the stands having wished him good luck

"Higgs over here!" Marcus called stopping him from his warm-up with the rest of the team

"Yeah, what do you want?" Terence asked

"Black here is the one challenging you for your position as the seeker." Marcus spoke

Higgs looked at Corvus and sneered at him "You think you've got what it takes to replace me?"

"Obviously," Corvus spoke flatly "or I would not be here, would I?"

Higgs sneer was soon replaced by a smirk when he noticed the school broom in Corvus's hand.

"You using a school broom?" Higgs asked with a smirk

"Yes. That way you cannot blame your loss on me having a better broom." Corvus spoke, "And it will make your inevitable loss even more embarrassing." Corvus added with a smirk

"You better watch yourself up there Black." Higgs growled before the conversation could escalate any further Flint interrupted them

"Alright ladies, listen up, this is going to be very simple." Marcus began "I'm going to release the snitch, whoever catches it first will be the team's seeker. However, while you are both trying to catch the snitch, our beaters are going to be trying their hardest to knock you off your brooms."

"I'm looking forward to this Black," Higgs smirked "I'm going to crush you!" Corvus hummed uninterestedly

"Ok, get ready," Marcus shouted as he let the snitch loose followed shortly by the two bludgers.

Both Corvus and Higgs mounted their brooms ready, as the whistle blew they both shot off.

As soon as they were a reasonable height in the air, Higgs made straight for Corvus, shooting right at him. Corvus while on the slower broom had predicted this and swiftly rolled out the way, before shooting off in the opposite direction dodging a bludger along the way.

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