Chapter XII: Meetings

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"Corvus" - Talking

'Black' - Thinking

~~Slytherin~~ - Parseltongue

"Avada Kedavra" - Spells/curses

"Dark" - Different Languages


This story may contain violence, coarse language, torture, death, scenes of horror.

And remember I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters!

🙞🙟 Chapter Start 🙝🙜

Once the temporary wards had alerted him that Lucas and his two friends had returned to their rooms, Corvus had made his way back to the Slytherin Common room. After ensuring he was the only one in the common room, Corvus walked over to one of the glass windows that looked into the Black lake.

Corvus looked over the window intently, his pale fingers softly trailing over the cold glass.

~~Lord Slytherin commands you to open.~~ Corvus hissed quietly, his fingers sunk into the window disappearing from his view upon issuing the command

'Salazar truly was gifted in the art of deception.  And the fact that he has combined runes, charms and illusion magic to create this passageway shows that he was one of the greatest minds in history.' He thought with a smirk as he slipped through the illusion

Turing around Corvus faced the illusionary glass that leads to the common room and hissed once again ~~Lord Slytherin commands you to close.~~

With that the hidden entrance was sealed once again, his hand pressed up against the glass unable to pass through. It was little wonder that Tom Riddle had not found this hidden passage, Illusion magic is an obscure branch of magic and was very difficult to master; even harder if you combine it with charms and runes. The only reason Corvus knew about it was that the idea was mentioned briefly in one of Salazar's journals.

What made the illusion even greater was the other windows were real. The illusion window was once real as well, as it shows what the Black lake looked like before Salazar converted the window and built his secret quarters in the lake.

It was clear to Corvus that Salazar had planned this out long before the school was opened, because all the other windows were placed at angles that didn't allow people to see the area the illusionary window could. And if, by chance, someone was to go swimming in the Black lake the area would appear as a natural lake floor.

Snapping out of his thoughts Corvus let his hand drop to his side and turned around. He was in a short hallway with an arched wooden doorway at the end, just before the doorway was a longer hall intersecting the short one.

Stopping at the intersection he looked down either way, he knew that one way leads to a second secret entrance outside of the common room. The other however he did not know where it leads.

'The chamber of secrets perhaps?' Corvus mused

He had his suspicions about the true nature of the chamber. Tom Riddle had never spoken about the chamber to anyone but the Basilisk hidden within the chamber and Salazar hadn't written anything about it in his journal.

'I shall venture down there at a later date,' Corvus thought continuing towards the wooden door 'tomorrow perhaps?' Stopping at the door Corvus grasped the handle and opened the door.

Salazar's personal quarters were perfect. It was roughly the same size as the common room if not slightly larger, with high arched ceilings that came to a point, pillars with snakes wrapping around them, large arched windows looking into the lake giving the room a bluish-green glow, decorative plants, black and green furniture with silver accents with matching carpets and curtains.

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