Chapter II: A Home

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"Corvus" - Talking

'Black' - Thinking

~~Slytherin~~ - Parseltongue

"Avada Kedavra" - Spells/curses

"Dark" - Different Languages

Changes- Harry's name was changed from Hadrian to Corvus.
                  - Corrected some grammar mistakes and repeated or missing words.


This story may contain violence, coarse language, torture, death, scenes of horror.

And remember I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters!

🙞🙟 Chapter Start 🙝🙜

(Knockturn Alley, July 31th 1986)

It had taken Corvus only ten hours to reach London by walking. Originally Corvus had planned on apparating to London but decided against it as he had never coved such a distance before, he usually would use it to escape Dudley and his gang by apparating onto the school roof or the next street over.

Corvus had spent the last 30 days in Diagon Alley and used his uncle's money in muggle London when he needed to eat. However, Corvus knew this money would quickly run out and he required a source of income.

So with the use of the Dark Lord's memories and his metamorphmagus abilities, Corvus managed to get himself a part-time job at Borgin and Burkes, with the appearance of a 16-year-old blonde orphan.

It was shortly after this when Corvus started to practice the dark arts. The knowledge Tom Riddle possessed was most extensive.

The dark arts fascinated Corvus, much like all magic, however it was not an unhealthy fascination. It was more like his blood called him to it, dark magic was natural to him, perhaps too natural.

Other than food and drink Corvus used his money to buy some decent second-hand clothes, which he brought from an old run-down store using his Metamorphmagus ability.

Corvus now wore a brown and black buttoned vest over a black button-up dress shirt, which was left untucked. For his trousers, he wore blue jeans with patches over his knees and suspenders left at his sides. He also adorned a pair of large black boots and a brown hat. Of course, Corvus still kept his transmural patch over his eye keeping it hidden from the world.

 Of course, Corvus still kept his transmural patch over his eye keeping it hidden from the world

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(Looks exactly like this. Also not my image!)

Despite living in the Alley and not in his filthy cupboard Corvus managed to stay clean with the use of magic.

It was now at midnight the start of July 31st, Corvus's birthday that things started to change.

Corvus walked through Knockturn alley, the street was cold and empty, it was a full moon Corvus noticed absentmindedly.

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