Chapter XXVIII: Finding Flamel

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"Corvus" - Talking

'Black' - Thinking

~~Slytherin~~ - Parseltongue

"Avada Kedavra" - Spells/curses

'Crucio' - Silent Casting

"Dark" - Different Languages


This story may contain violence, coarse language, torture, death, and scenes of horror.

And remember I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters!

🙞🙟 Chapter Start 🙝🙜

(Hogwarts, April 3rd 1992)

It was Friday evening and classes had finished for the week, except for the single astronomy lesson for the first-year Hufflepuffs and Slytherins; while the majority of the students were happily relaxing after a long week of classes Godric, Neville and Ron found themselves in Professor Prince's classroom.

"C'mon." Godric muttered angrily as he scrubbed a cauldron clean "How do the cauldrons get so dirty anyway!?" He whispered as he scrubbed the same spot aggressively

With a sigh, Godric stopped scrubbing and looked over to his two friends, both of whom were scrubbing cauldrons of their own.

"Oh, C'mon!" Ron sighed "I'm getting sick of cleaning cauldrons every day." He cried

"Me too," Godric sighed too, "If I didn't know any better I'd say Prince is making these cauldrons dirtier on purpose." He added 

"I bet she is!" Ron raged "They are even dirtier today." He added

"At least it's the last day of our detentions." Neville said quietly

"I suppose that's true." Godric smiled "But then again, we shouldn't even have detention anyway!"

"She couldn't have known it was us!" Godric insisted "Sure she detected the potion on us but how could she have known it was us?" He asked

"It's no use trying to justify it," Ron shook his head "She has it out for us, even McGonagall didn't believe us."

It was true, once it became clear their pleas of innocence did nothing to sway Professor Prince, they had threatened to tell McGonagall about the unjust punishment, however, that plan quickly fell apart when she entered the room with a less than pleased face.

"W-where did Professor Prince go anyway?" Neville wondered

Ron frowned "I'm not sure." He responded quietly "I don't think she would miss breathing down our necks for another two-hour detention unless it was important."

Godric rubbed his chin in thought 'It is strange.' He thought, they had done an entire month's worth of detentions and not once had she left them alone


"Good, you are on time." Serena drawled as the trio entered the classroom "I'd hate to give you another detention just as you were serving your last one." Her lips twitched briefly

"Now," She began "there are plenty of cauldrons waiting to be cleaned, once you have cleaned them all you are free to go." Serena said surprising the three "I will be leaving you here by yourselves since I have other more important matters to attend to," She began to make her way to the door her robes billowing as she did so

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