Chapter VII: Classes

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"Corvus" - Talking

'Black' - Thinking

~~Slytherin~~ - Parseltongue

"Avada Kedavra" - Spells/curses

"Dark" - Different Languages


This story may contain violence, coarse language, torture, death, scenes of horror.

And remember I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters!

🙞🙟 Chapter Start 🙝🙜

(Slytherin Common Room, September 2nd 1991)

Having spent his night gazing into the Black lake and playing his Violin, Corvus left his room at six-thirty in the morning having changed his robes and taken a shower. It was another forty-five minutes before he was joined by the girls and they all started heading down to the great hall.

"My Lord. Is there a specific reason we must head down to the Great Hall this early?" Lucretia asked curiously following close by on his left

"To make a statement." Corvus responded

"A statement?" Daphne wondered following close to his right 

"Yes. Though I do wonder if anyone will recognise it." Corvus smirked inwardly

"What sort of statement are you going to make if no one will recognise it?" Tracey asked with a slight frown gracing her features, it was clear she was still tired

"You will see." Corvus responded simply before they entered the great hall 

As it was only seven in the morning only five or so people were sitting at the different house tables, and the teachers had yet to arrive.

Arriving at the Slytherin table Corvus took a seat at the centre of the table with Daphne on his right, Lucretia on his left while Tracey and Pansy sat across from them. It wasn't until eight o'clock before the teachers arrived and the hall started to fill. The girls engaged in small talk while Corvus sat silently listening to them while looking around the room.

"So is there a reason that we are seated at the centre of the table?" Daphne asked curiously, Corvus offered her a small smile surprising her, making her blush a light pink

"Look at the teacher's table." Corvus told them "Now, what do you see?"

"I understand now." Daphne spoke in understanding after looking at the teacher's table for a brief few seconds, it appeared as though Lucretia came to a similar conclusion if the recognition in her eyes was anything to go by

"What? What am I not getting?" Tracey asked, "I feel like I'm being left out here, and I'm not the only one." She added causing Pansy to nod in agreement

"I'll ask again. What do you see when you look at the teacher's table?" Corvus asked once again

"I don't understand what the teacher's table has to do with making a statement." Pansy replied with a slight frown causing Corvus to chuckle quietly

"What is Dumbledore seated on?" Corvus spoke this time asking a different question

"A throne!" Tracey spoke in understanding

"Yes, a throne. A throne which is at the centre of the table." Corvus spoke gaining their attention "A place where the King is able to see all his followers and subjects, a place where he is able to hear most of their conversations."

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