Chapter XI: Taking Action

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"Corvus" - Talking

'Black' - Thinking

~~Slytherin~~ - Parseltongue

"Avada Kedavra" - Spells/curses

"Dark" - Different Languages


This story may contain violence, coarse language, torture, death, scenes of horror.

And remember I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters!

🙞🙟 Chapter Start 🙝🙜

(September 18th 1991)

It was the Wednesday after Corvus earned his spot on the Quidditch team and just as Grace had told him, Higgs was released from the medical wing during the morning lessons. Now Corvus was heading to his last lesson of the day, which just so happened to be his first extra potions lesson.

Corvus's lips twitched in amusement as he thought back to Granger's reaction when she found out he was getting extra lessons.


Both Corvus and Tracey were on their way to the owlery to send letters off to their families. Upon entering the owlery they made their way over to their owls which just so happened to be next to each other on the same level of the tower, talking as they did so.

The owlery was a quiet place, apart from the occasional hoot of an owl or a student visiting to send off a letter it was a private place. A place that could be used to spend some time in private, a place where you would mostly be left alone to think.

So it was no surprise to them when they found Hermione Granger in the owlery, seated on the stairs just below the top level of the tower reading a large book.

After a few minutes of talking it became clear to them that Granger was listening to their conversation, if the occasional sniff or scoff was anything to go by.

"So Corvus, any idea what Professor Prince is going to be teaching you in your extra lessons?" Tracey asked with a smirk as she winked at him

Corvus's lips twitched "No. Though I do believe she will be teaching me some potions that will help me with my mastery." Hermione slammed her book shut in anger

Tracey's smirk grew "So it's pretty advanced stuff then?" She asked

"Of course." Corvus replied with a matching smirk

"You're getting extra lessons?" Granger shouted, "That's hardly fair!"

"Fair?" Tracey repeated in mock confusion

"Yes! He is clearly cheating. He doesn't even use the right recipe in potions and then claims he created the recipe himself!" Hermione raged as she glared at the pair

"Ah, I see now." Tracey nodded in a sage-like manner "You're just jealous that Corvus is better than you."

"Better?" Hermione snapped "He is not better! All he does is cheat and claim others people's findings as his own."

"Do you actually have any proof of that?" Tracey asked in  a slightly mocking manner

Hermione huffed in anger before storming out of the owlery with her book clutched to her chest. Upon exiting the owlery Hermione came face to face with Daphne and barged past her turning her nose up at her.

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