Chapter XXVI: Testing the ̶W̶a̶t̶e̶r̶s̶... Potions

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"Corvus" - Talking

'Black' - Thinking

~~Slytherin~~ - Parseltongue

"Avada Kedavra" - Spells/curses

'Crucio' - Silent Casting

"Dark" - Different Languages


This story may contain violence, coarse language, torture, death, and scenes of horror.

And remember I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters!

🙞🙟 Chapter Start 🙝🙜

"Remember students, I will be expecting a ten-inch essay on the spell we have learned today by next week." McGonagall said sternly "And remember to keep practising the spells we learn each week, some of you could do with some practice," She eyed three of her Lions "You are dismissed." She uttered finally

"Finally!" Godric sighed as he stood "That lesson was a drag."

"Not as bad as Binns." Ron smiled as they began to file out of the classroom

"True," Godric nodded "Nothing is as boring as Binn's lectures on goblins."

"Er-  S-shouldn't we be meeting the twins now?" Neville stuttered having realised they were walking in the wrong direction

"Yeah," Godric smiled "I just need to get the money from my trunk and we can be on our way." 

The three boys continued their trek towards their common room unaware of the two following them.

"Looks like they are going back to their common room first." Pansy sighed

"Seems like it," Lucretia acknowledged "Let's just wait for them near the kitchens."

🙞🙟 The Black King 🙝🙜

Not too long after they had left class the Gryffindor trio arrived at the kitchens, stopping just before the painting of the giant fruit bowl. 

Godric looked at the painting briefly and subconsciously patted his pocked, checking that his money pouch was still inside. Part of him viewed the value of money differently ever since Ron spoke about his family's income, however, those views were quickly dashed the second he recalled how much he was given for pocket money. 

'Besides, how can someone with a job in the ministry be paid so little.' Godric thought 'I get more for my pocket money.' He finished his final doubt-filled thought before reaching out and tickling the pear in the painting

Just like last time the pear giggled and turned into a door handle, allowing Godric to open the door.

"Come on." Godric waved back to his friends, having noticed them staring at him funnily as he walked through the doorway

Neville and Ron looked at each other and shrugged before following after their friend. The moment they entered the kitchen they were greeted by the mouthwatering sight of several desserts laid on one of the tables.

"Well, well, well." The three boys jumped "Look who's finally decided to show their faces." Freya said sarcastically 

"We were beginning to think you wouldn't show," Georgia spoke as she cut into a pudding covered in honey, cream and raspberries.

Three boys blinked, realising the twins were sitting across from each other, right where the desserts were. They each swore that they weren't sitting there when they entered the room.

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