Chapter XVIII: Slytherin vs Gryffindor

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"Corvus" - Talking

'Black' - Thinking

~~Slytherin~~ - Parseltongue

"Avada Kedavra" - Spells/curses

'Crucio' - Silent Casting

"Dark" - Different Languages


This story may contain violence, coarse language, torture, death, scenes of horror.

And remember I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters!

🙞🙟 Chapter Start 🙝🙜

(Hogwarts, October 31st 1991)

Once Corvus had left Serena with the deceased mountain troll, he leisurely made his way towards the great hall to inform the Slytherins that it was safe. All the while worrying thoughts plagued his mind, each thought was more worrisome than the last.

'How is it that a fully grown mountain troll was able to get inside the castle without the wards alerting me?' Corvus questioned 'Unless...'

"the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death"

'I see. The troll was already in the castle,' Corvus thought 'But that still  raises the question of why the wards didn't alert me of its presence.'

'I should look into this soon. If someone has altered the wards then that could be a problem in the future.'

'I doubt they altered the ward stone itself as no one knows of its location, the wards themselves, however...' Corvus trailed off

🙞🙟 Line Break 🙝🙜

(Slytherin Dormitory, Later that night)

"What are you gonna do Lucas?" Travers questioned as he paced backwards and forwards "What are we going to do? We can't just sit back and let Black get away with this!" Travers finished as he turned to his friend

"But he has gotten away with it." Lucas replied as he sprawled himself out on the bed

"Then do something about it!" Travers shouted

"I don't think you understand Travers." Lucas spoke turning his head "Elwyn was right, Black is a powerful individual that shouldn't be messed with."

"Do you have any idea what it takes to make my family have financial issues?" Lucas chuckled bitterly as he looked up at the ceiling "I don't know if you know this Travers, but my family is rich, we don't have financial issues." He added

"So you've just given up? Is that it?" Travers asked in a low tone

"Yes. That's exactly it, I've given up. Black is too great an opponent for me." Lucas spoke in an apathetic manner

"What about me? What about the others? I certainly haven't given up!" Travers shouted angrily "I don't want to give up!" He added

"Then don't." Lucas sighed 

"Where is your fight? Don't you want vengeance? if not for taking your place as king then for causing problems for your family!" Travers asked

"What good would that do? Anything I do will just mean more trouble for my old man. Besides it's my last year, I just want to focus on my NEWT's." Lucas smiled before standing up

"Well, I think I'm just about ready for bed." Lucas said as he walked towards the door "A word of advice Travers. Be careful if you go after Black, he is dangerous. You can't win a mind game against him, nor can you face him in combat, certainly not after he killed a fully grown mountain troll with some first-year spells."

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