Chapter XXVII: Turned Tables

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"Corvus" - Talking

'Black' - Thinking

~~Slytherin~~ - Parseltongue

"Avada Kedavra" - Spells/curses

'Crucio' - Silent Casting

"Dark" - Different Languages


This story may contain violence, coarse language, torture, death, and scenes of horror.

And remember I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters!

🙞🙟 Chapter Start 🙝🙜

(Great Hall, March 3rd 1992)

"Good morning Corvus." Tracey yawned as she sat down at the table "Morning daph, morning girls." She added before yawning again

"Good morning Tracey," Corvus greeted, "you are up later than usual, have trouble sleeping?" He asked eloquently

Tracey grinned "I'm afraid so," she spoke causing Daphne to roll her eyes "I just can't seem to stop thinking about you, whenever I try and go to sleep I can't help but wonder if you will ever ask me to marry you." Tracey sighed dramatically and placed her hand on her chest

"It's heart-wrenching," Tracey continued "just seeing you next to Daph..." Tracey paused and looked at Daphne's stoic face "hang on a minute." She looked back and forth between Corvus and Daphne

"When is my turn to sit next to Corvus?" Tracey crossed her arms

"Perhaps when you arrive here before me," Daphne sniffed "but that will never happen, I won't let it." She added

"And here I thought we were best friends." Tracey puffed her cheeks and looked away

"I never knew best friends try and get with each other's betrothed." Daphne said dryly

"I can't help it," Tracey smirked "Corvus is too handsome and smart."

Corvus chuckled lightly "Thank you, my dear." He spoke before turning his attention to the parliament of owls that came swooping into the great hall

"Finally." Lucretia whispered as she watched the owls fly down from above, her eyes looking for a specific one. 'There it is, mothers Owl.' Lucretia thought as she eyed a midnight black owl that was carrying a neatly wrapped book-sized package.

The black owl dived down, separating from the rest of the owls before dropping the package into Lucretia's hands, she was quick to pull out and read the letter that had been placed between the wrapping paper and the ribbons.

Dear Lucretia,

Hope this letter finds you well, it has been a while since I've seen you and I'm missing you deeply. I hope classes are going well and you are still enjoying them all, with the exception of Binns of course, I don't think anyone would enjoy listening to him.

Lucretia laughed silently.

I've managed to find the book you asked for and wrapped it up as you requested. You are lucky that I had managed to find the book you requested in our library, the book is quite old and I don't believe many copies were created the chances of finding one in a bookstore are slim to none.

Anyway, I hope whatever you are using the book for is successful and am looking forward to hearing all about it in the summer holidays.

Wishing you luck,

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