Chapter XX: Beginnings of mischievous & nefarious plans

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"Corvus" - Talking

'Black' - Thinking

~~Slytherin~~ - Parseltongue

"Avada Kedavra" - Spells/curses

'Crucio' - Silent Casting

"Dark" - Different Languages

For anyone wanting updates on my upload schedule please follow me!

Also with this chapter, we finally breach 100k words written over all the chapters!
101,742 give or take since it includes any notes I leave at the start and end of the chapters.


This story may contain violence, coarse language, torture, death, scenes of horror.

And remember I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters!

🙞🙟 Chapter Start 🙝🙜

(Hogwarts Express)

"There you are!" Tracey shouted dramatically as she slammed the compartment doors open "I've been looking for you for hours!"

Daphne turned to her best friend with her brow raised "Really? I could have sworn we left the station not ten minutes ago." Daphne said in a cold mocking tone "I guess time really does fly when you don't have people disturbing you."

"Nice to see you too Daphy." Tracey chuckled before noticing her hair clip "Woah nice hair clip Daph, where did you get it?" she asked

"Corvus bought it for me for Yule." Daphne let out a small smile as she subconsciously reached up to it

Tracey whistled in appreciation as she took a seat "I bet it was expensive, did he say how much it cost?" She questioned

Daphne shook her head "No, I did ask but he wouldn't tell me." Tracey gave a nod of understanding

"Anyway did you get anything special for Yule?" Daphne queried

"Why yes, I did!" Tracey gave off a mischievous grin

Tracey then held up her hand to show off the new ring she was sporting. It was a simple and elegant ring with a rose gold band and a small black diamond. 

"I guess this means I'm Corvus's betrothed now too." Tracey said with a  teasing grin

Daphne gave a thoughtful look "Perhaps..." She muttered

"Really?" Tracey grinned

"No." Daphne replied instantly causing Tracey to pout playfully before she realized that it was only the two of them in the compartment

"Where is Corvus anyway?" Tracey asked curiously

"He went to find Ophelia and Grace to see if they would sit with us." Daphne answered

Tracey let out a mocking gasp "And you let him go alone? He could be snogging them in a compartment without you knowing!" Tracey said causing Daphne to roll her eyes

"I trust Corvus. He wouldn't do such a thing without my permission." Daphne replied curtly

"It's not Corvus you should worry about, they'll jump his bones the moment they are alone." Tracey explained dramatically "I know I would." She added with a grin

"In fact, let me go see if I can find him!" Tracey made to stand up but was quickly pulled back into the seat

"No, you don't." Daphne gave off an icy glare "Now that you are here you will stay and keep me company," Daphne insisted  "at least until Corvus returns." She added causing Tracey to let out a laugh

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