Chapter XVII: Hallow's Eve

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"Corvus" - Talking

'Black' - Thinking

~~Slytherin~~ - Parseltongue

"Avada Kedavra" - Spells/curses

'Crucio' - Silent Casting

"Dark" - Different Languages


This story may contain violence, coarse language, torture, death, scenes of horror.

And remember I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters!

🙞🙟 Chapter Start 🙝🙜

(Charms Class, October 31st)

"Come on class say it with me now." Professor Flitwick prompted "Wingardium Leviosa" The class chanted in unison

"Excellent!" Flitwick cheered clapping his hands excitedly "Now all of you give it a go, if you require some assistance please don't hesitate to ask!"

"Come on boys. I bet we'll  have this down in no time!" Godric grinned, eagerly pointing his wand at the large feather in front of him "Wingardium Leviosa" he chanted prompting his two friends to follow his lead and try on their own feathers

Hermione looked around the room and observed everyone's attempts with a smile. 'Okay, just like practised.' she thought calming her nerves

"Wingardium Leviosa" She intoned clearly as she waved her wand at the feather on her desk

Her feather steadily rose into the air, swaying side to side ever so slightly as it did so. Hermione couldn't help but smile when she noticed that she was the only student that had managed to do the spell successfully.

'If only Black was in this class. Then I would show him up by completing the spell first.' Hermione's smile became larger at the thought

"Marvellous! Absolutely wonderful Miss Granger." Flitwick squeaked bouncing on the books he was stood on, clapping excitedly as he did so "On the first try too. I didn't think anyone else would get the spell on the first try, however, it seems I was wrong." He added with an excited grin that could not have been wider

"Other students...   Professor?" Hermione's grin left her face as she looked around to see if they were in her class

"Oh yes!" Flitwick cheered seemingly unaware of the girl's attitude change "Both Miss Greengrass and Miss Malfoy managed to complete the levitation spell on their first attempt in their last lesson." 

"Mind you, Miss Davis and Miss Parkinson weren't that far behind either." He added with a grin

Hermione's thoughts soured at the mention of the Slytherin girls. 'What about Black? He never said anything about him.' A thought entered her mind, daring to give her hope.

"What about Black Professor? Did he not complete it on the first try?" Hermione asked, her voice filled with anticipation and hope

"Ah, Mr Black." Flitwick smiled before his expression turned to a guilty one "I must confess I had Mr Black try the spell out last week along with some other spells. I just couldn't help myself, seeing him complete every spell I gave him on the first try without wand movements or incantations, is simply astounding. I wanted to see how far that skill would last and I wasn't disappointed, he has completed all the spells I have given him just as easily as the first spell I gave him." Flitwick finished his guilty expression having long vanished

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