Making friends

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After work, Tig asked Teegan to the clubhouse so Happy could tattoo her. They had come up with a simple design for her left forearm since her right already had ink on it. It was a simple crow sitting on a branch with a scroll in its mouth with Tig's name in the middle of the scroll. He liked what she'd drawn up and was just excited she was going to let Happy ink her for him. Tig had already asked the Killah to do the tattoo and was shocked he was more than willing.

They sat at a table where most of his brothers could see the process. Jax slapped Tig across the back as Happy tattooed his woman with his crow. Most never would have believed the SAA would actually take an 'ol lady but there she was getting his ink. Despite a rocky start to the relationship with the club, Happy didn't mind discussing tattoos with her as he worked. She offered to let him come and work at her shop if he ever needed a little extra money on the side. He smiled up at her and said he might take her up on the offer. "All my artists keep whatever tips they make." she told him.

Over an hour later, Tig was checking out her new ink with a wide smile. He thanked Happy for his help earning a grunt in response. She already knew how to take care of a new tattoo so Happy didn't bother giving her the run-down. She thanked him as he packed his tattooing kit up. Chibs gave her a warm smile as he brought her a shot glass of Vodka. "Welcome t' tha family, lass!" he stated as he clinked his glass with hers before they downed their shots. She laughed and said she wasn't sure she wanted in the family but since she cared so much for Tig, she figured she was stuck making the Scot laugh.

A few days later and Teegan had quite the unusual visitor. David was in the middle of tattooing their latest customer while she was cleaning up her station from her last client. Nick nodded at Happy when he entered. "I'll be with you in just a sec! Have a seat and get comfortable." Teegan exclaimed. Happy leaned against the counter and waited for her to finish what she was doing. When she was finally done, she turned around. Seeing who had come in made her eyes widen.

"Well. I wasn't expecting to see you here." She stated, "What can I do for you?"

"You said I could come in and tattoo if I needed some extra cash, right?" He stated.

"Of course! Take that station." Teegan smiled at him, "This is David my other artist. David, this is Happy."

"Nice to meet you, man." David stated earning a head nod in return.

Happy took his tattoo kit and set it on the workstation table and prepared to do his first tattoo. She brought over a jar for tips for him with a smile. The next customer that came in she ushered over to Happy. He was thankful she was allowing him to freelance in her shop especially after the rocky start they had together. He drew up a design for the customer then moved it to stencil so he could apply it to the guy's arm. Nick greeted the next customer who came in just a few minutes later. He already had a design with him as Teegan walked over with a smile.

She ushered him to her station as her client looked around. "First time I've been in here but I've heard great things about this place." the guy told her making her smile. That was something she loved hearing. Happy overheard the comment too and wondered just how good she really was at tattooing. He looked over at her and asked how long she'd been tattooing. "Since I was eighteen. You?" she replied. It shocked her to hear he'd been doing tats since he was about sixteen. They sat there discussing their favorite things to tattoo and which they preferred: black and white or colored tattoos.

"Teegan? Want me to go fetch lunch? It's about noon." Nick stated.

"Yes, please. Get everyone's lunch order then take some money out of the drawer." She stated, "I'll take the grilled cheese and fries this time."

Nick wrote down her order before walking over to David to get his lunch order. He scribbled it down before walking to Happy. He gave his order, got the money from the drawer, then Nick scurried off to the café across the square to get their lunch. They were still working on their clients when he returned. He set the food on the coffee table and dug out his lunch so he could go sit back in his space behind the counter. A girl came in right as he was about to take a bite of his burger. Thankfully, she just wanted to get some body jewelry.

Nick went to the back to get what all she wanted. He put her new jewelry in a small plastic bag then cashed her out. She thanked him as she took a business card. He was eating when David finished up with his client. Nick stated their food and drinks were on the coffee table and to dig in before he cashed out the client the blond had been working on. The guy thanked David for the great tattoo before putting some money in his tip jar.

With no other customers yet, David dug through the bag to get his lunch and sat down in one of the lone chairs to eat. He was thankful to have such a relaxed work environment! Happy finally finished up with his client who immediately had to go to the mirror and check it out. The look on his face was enough for Happy. The guy tipped generously making Happy thrilled as Nick went to cash the guy out. The Tacoma Killah went to get his lunch while Teegan was still working on her client.

The shop was quiet with the exception of the buzzing from her tat gun. Shortly after Happy finished his lunch, two guys came in for tats. They seemed to be friends so David took one while Happy took the other. Teegan eventually finished up with her client and went to eat while Nick cashed him out. She was more than willing to let Happy work there to earn some extra cash. Tig had told her he helped his mom out with medical bills and her medications. She couldn't deny the man honest work to help his mother. She had Nick clock him in when he walked in so she could start paying him under the table for the days he worked there.

Every day that there was no real club business and he wasn't needed at the clubhouse, Happy found himself working in Teegan's shop. After a few weeks of little conversations here and there, they began to really warm up to one another. She found his personality a bit abrasive but otherwise he seemed like an ok individual. She was overly generous to him and he never understood why although he was grateful for it. She paid him daily under the table as an employee so it was minimum wage but that was on top of whatever tips he made.

Tig sometimes brought her lunch so Nick would get David and Happy's orders and fetch their lunch while the happy couple sat on the couch eating together if she wasn't busy when he came in. Despite not liking the club when she arrived in town, she had come to care deeply for Tig and was slowly letting the club into her life. Happy could see how the petite woman affected his SAA. He could also see how he affected her. There were true feelings there for both and he had to respect that.

She didn't want to admit it, but she thought her and Happy might actually be becoming friends. He greeted her with a head nod as he walked to his station whenever he came into work. She greeted him back with a nod and a smile. They chatted most of the day about random things usually. Sometimes the shop was simply quiet as people were lost in their own thoughts. She found it strange that of all the people she began to honestly bond with, it would be the un-Happy one. It was rather humorous if she thought about it.

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