Another run in

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A couple came in an hour later wanting a couple's tattoo. She wanted to gag but let them look through her book. Nothing jumped out at them so she set them down to sketch what they were wanting. After some tweaking, she had exactly what they both wanted. She started with the woman who was getting her left forearm tattooed. Tig couldn't help but watch Teegan. She looked so intense when she was tattooing.

The couple were chatting but he'd drown them out as he stared at the tattoo artist. He noted she had a few tats of her own and wondered if he'd ever get to see them up close. If he tried to check them out now, he was sure she'd clock him one. Forty-five minutes later and the woman was squealing in joy at her new ink. The male sat down and was getting his right forearm tattooed. The pair continued chatting as he continued watching Teegan work.

He had been sent to watch over her. To protect her. All he could do was sit there and fantasize about her. Feeling her tits pressed against his bare chest. Feeling her lips pressed against his. He grunted and moved around in his seat so his growing problem wasn't as apparent. 'I gotta quit staring at her!' he sighed when the overhead bell rang. Zobelle stood there smirking at Tig.

"Just a minute." She called out, not looking over to who had come in.

Zobelle stood at the counter looking around until she'd finished with her client. The guy checked out his new ink before she cleaned it and wrapped it up. They walked up to the counter so the couple could pay before Teegan could turn her attention to the new customer. She smiled sweetly at him as he looked around. Tig had stood up, hand on his gun, ready at a moment's notice.

"Good afternoon. My name's Ethan Zobelle. Who might you be, my dear?" The white-haired man exclaimed.

"Teegan. You don't seem the type to want a tattoo so you wanna tell me what this visit is about?" She asked, not masking the annoyance in her voice.

"Straight to the point, I see. Very well. I formed the League of American Nationalists and quite a few businesses here in Charming are members. I came to see if you were interested in becoming our newest member." Zobelle smiled at her.

"Sounds like a racist organization. Fuck off and stay away from me and my shop." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Not very lady like. But very well." Zobelle stated, "Have a good day now."

He started to leave then turned around, "Shame about the break in at your house. Better be more careful around here."

"Fuck off and die you Nazi bastard!" She huffed before he finally left her shop, "I think moving here was a bad idea."

"Why's that?" Tig asked as he sat back down on her couch.

"I've gotten into two fights in two days, I've met the Neo-Nazi welcoming committee and now that racist douche-nugget. On top of you bastards not leaving me the hell alone." She huffed again.

"Like we said, we take care of our family and friends." Tig smirked at her.

"We're not friends." She retorted.

"We'd like to be." Tig wiggled his eyebrows making her roll her eyes.

"You need to learn how to actually flirt, sweetheart." She stated making him laugh.

They sat there in silence before it hit her.

"How in the hell did he know about the break in at my house?" She blurted out.

"I'm pretty sure he's the one who ordered it, Doll." Tig told her, "But let us handle it."

"Hell no! I handle my own shit!" She hissed as she made her way to the door.

He jumped up and grabbed her around her waist and pulled her flush against him. She tried to elbow him in the face but he moved out of the way.

"Listen to me, Teegan, he's a powerful man in these parts. You can't take him on all by yourself." Tig said in her ear, "Let us help, ok? It's what we do. Calm down."

She began to relax as he held her against him. He hoped she couldn't feel his jeans. He still hadn't let her go and he liked having his arms around her. She stood there trying to figure out how she was going to make living in this town work as she sighed. "Let's sit back down." she heard him say in her ear. His lips so close to her ear. Hot breath right there. If she wasn't so pissed off it would be kind of erotic.

"I should have known this move was a bad idea." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Charming isn't all that bad. We have some assholes like every other place, sure. But all-in-all, Charming is a great place to live." He told her.

"Yeah right." Her statement made him smile.

She was always so defiant. He took out a cigarette and she shook her head nod before pointing to the door. She watched as he stepped outside and lit his smoke. His eyes darted around to see who was coming and going and to make sure they were safe. With a heavy sigh, she went to get her broom so she could sweep the shop while she had it to herself.

Tig stayed with her literally all day which annoyed her greatly. A small part of her liked having someone around at the same time. It was finally time to close up and she couldn't wait to leave. She locked the doors and stood around waiting to see what he was going to do. It was awkward silence so she simply bid him a good night.

He watched her climb into her truck and back out of her parking space. Whipping out his phone, he called Jax like he was instructed to and let him know what all had transpired at the shop. He was told to get back to T-M. She headed straight for the nearest grocery store instead of to the diner. She needed to do some shopping so she could start cooking for herself instead of spending money erroneously.

As she was putting her bags into the backseat of her truck, she heard wolf whistles and sighed. She did her best to ignore them but someone walked up and smacked her, rather hard, on her ass. She whipped around to find three young men standing there ogling her. She rolled her eyes and told them to leave her alone. The lone blond of the group reached out and grabbed her left tit.

"It's real!" He exclaimed making the other two whoop and holler.

She balled her fist and hit him square in the face. The three guys quit laughing then. She once more told them to leave her alone so she could finish loading her groceries and get home. He open-palmed slapped her across the face making her growl. She, again, balled her fist and hit him in the face. His two buddies started yelling and telling him to beat her ass. He went to hit her again but she knocked his arm away before punching him in the stomach.

She already head a black eye from one fight and now it looks like she might wind up making it worse. The blond grabbed her hair making her laugh before elbowing him in the chest as hard as she could. He began coughing as he let go of her hair. For a third time, she told them to leave her alone. Unbeknownst to them, one of the cart pushers called 9-1-1 as they were scrapping in the parking lot. He punched her in the mouth as she was looking at his dark-headed friend.

The blonde's redheaded friend tossed him a knife making her roll her eyes. He went to stab her but she moved out of the way making him stumble and hit his head on the side of her truck. He slashed at her again, this time cutting her forearm. She growled in response. "Only a pussy will bring a weapon to a fist fight!" she taunted the kid. He lunged at her again making her punch him in the face as he went by her. She was bleeding all over the place but refused to back down.

She had just punched him, blackening his eye, when the cops rolled up. Hale looked at her and sighed. Three days and three fights. Her record wasn't looking good. Since they couldn't figure out who had started the fight, they arrested both. She sighed as she was put into the back of Hale's squad car. They already had her prints but they processed her.

She was beyond pissed. Her groceries were spoiling in her truck right then. She'd been booked for fighting in a public space. There was a good chance she'd have to spend the night in jail. After a long talk with Unser, Hale was forced to let her go. He gave her "a look" but she just shrugged. She'd been sexually assaulted and was just defending herself from her attacker. From Unser's perspective at least after he talked with her about what happened.

A/N: Poor Teegan! Can't catch a break, can she?

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