Getting to know one another

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"What can you tell us?" She heard Jax ask.

"Things were fine den all o' a sudden there was gunfire. Several minutes and den it stopped. Looked out tha window and saw a white truck haulin' ass away." Chibs exclaimed.

She looked up and found Jax and the un-Happy one looking around her shop. As they stood there chatting, she dialed up a window place to have her windows replaced. Then she called the insurance company since she needed to have insurance on the shop. Hopefully they'd pay for the replacement windows. Chibs looked over at her as she was on the phone and felt bad for the young woman. She didn't want to get caught up in their war.

"Ya alright, Darlin'?" Jax asked when she was off the phone.

"Besides having my shop shot up for no fucking reason? I'm just fucking peachy." She retorted making Happy growl at her.

"We're sorry about that, Teegan. Really. They're targeting people we're associated with." Jax told her.

"If you fuckers weren't here every damned day, they wouldn't have targeted my shop, asshole! YOU brought this to MY shop." She poked the blond in the chest as she hissed at him.

"We were just trying to protect you." He offered.

"From what, the boogeyman?" She scoffed.

"Watch it, little girl." Happy growled at her.

"Oh, go fuck yourself." She rolled her eyes, "Get out of my shop and leave me alone. All of you."

Chibs held Happy back from going after Teegan as Jax stated, "We can't do that."

"Oh yes you can. Leave the shop and don't come back. Easy." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"It's not that simple. We're putting someone with everyone we're associated with. I know you don't like us, but you're associated with us too. Which means you're in as much danger as we are." Jax calmly told the irate woman, "Please just...humor us for a little longer. Then we'll be out of your hair."

"You bastards are never going to leave me alone are you?" She hissed as the window replacement guys showed up, "Excuse me. I have a business to run."

"She's pretty pissed off, Jackie Boy." Chibs sighed.

"Was she scared at all?" The blond inquired.

"No. Just held 'er 'ands over 'er ears until tha shootin' stopped. Den got up and started cleaning up." Chibs glanced back over to where she was talking with the window guys.

"Tough girl." Jax laughed, "Stay here, Chibs. I need to go talk to Clay about this."

She was thrilled to see Jax and Happy leave her shop but then realized Chibs was staying behind. The Scot sat back down and watched her interact with the window replacement guys. It amused him how she didn't notice, or didn't care, how the male populace stared at her so. No one had come in for tattoos so while the windows were being replaced, she sat down at her station.

"We really are jus' tryin' t' protect ya." Chibs quietly stated, "I'm sorry if things don' seem tha' way."

"I'm truly never going to be rid of you lot, am I?" She looked over at him to see him looking at her.

"Wha' can I say? We like ya, lass." She smiled making her roll her eyes.

"Feel free to hate me if that means you'll leave me and my business alone." She huffed making him smirk at her.

"Where ya from?" He asked after several minutes of silence had passed.


"Why'd yeh leave there?" He questioned.

"As I told Tig last night, there were no men in the area that were worth a damn. And I wanted a change of scenery." She stated, "Didn't know I was going to move into my very own nightmare when I moved, though."

"We aren' so bad, lass. Jus' get t' know us. We're likable guys." He told her

"Likable like a virus, maybe." She retorted making him laugh.

She didn't know what was so funny about her statement. Although she did like his accent. The Scottish accent was very hot! Her phone rang so she pulled it out of her pocket. He watched as her face lit up as she answered it.


"Hey pumpkin! How's the move?" Her dad asked.

"The move itself was uneventful. Got into a fight the first, second, and third days of being here, though. (She sighed at him sighing at her)." She told him.

"What happened the first time?" Her dad asked.

"I was just coming back from my meeting with the owner of the space my shop was going into. Some punk kid came up hitting on me. Didn't seem to get that I wasn't interested. Then he got handsy. (She chuckled) You know me, Dad. (He chuckled this time)

I told him multiple times to leave me alone but he just wouldn't do it. The last time he grabbed at my tits, I told him if he did it again I was gonna beat his ass. Stupid fucker didn't listen so we started scrappin'. Police were called and we were both taken downtown. Since it was my first day in town and my first incident, the Deputy Chief decided to be nice to me and let me go." She explained.

"That's my girl! You don't let anyone mistreat you!" He stated making her chuckle.

"I won't, Dad. I never do." She smiled

"How's the house you moved into? It's a rental, right?" Her dad questioned.

"Well, I moved from that house to a different one. Apparently where I was at was a shitty neighborhood. I moved into a much nicer neighborhood. House is beautiful, though. Spent my first night there last night." She told him.

"That's good. You don't need to be living in some run-down neighborhood." Her dad told her, "Drew got his promotion."

"Really? That's great! Tell the jackass I said congrats!" She chuckled.

Chibs sat there listening in to the conversationshe was having with her dad and couldn't help but smile. He learned she had anolder brother who was in some branch of the military. Their family were makingplans to go visit him on the base where he was stationed for Christmas. 'I'llhave to make a note to ask where her brother's stationed when she's off thephone.' he thought to himself as she laughed at something her father said.

"Where's yer brotha stationed? What branch?" Chibs asked when she got off the phone.

"He's a Marine based in Oahu, Hawaii. He nearly had a heart attack when he got his orders and they were for Hawaii." She chuckled, thinking back to that day with a smile.

"Close t' yer family I take it?" He asked.

"Yeah. We've always been close. Mom was too over-protective of me but I was more like one of the boys to my dad and older brother." She shrugged, "You?"

"Not really." He stated, "Deh club is my family now."

"Seems...sad." She said as she looked over at him.

Clearly there was something in his past he wasn't divulging.

"Aye, don' worry about it, lass." He smiled at her right before the overhead bell was heard.

She was thankful she finally had a customer as she stood up and moved behind the counter. Chibs sat there and listened to her tell the guy about the book of tats she'd already done and then the book of potential tats or that she could draw something completely new up for him. He opted to look through her potential tats before making a decision.

A/N: Please review and vote below! <3

Simple FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora