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Jake swallowed afraid of what was about to happen. Jax slapped Jake's back.

"Tell us all about your club. Everything." Tig commanded.

"The Thunder Dogs are a small club, only about thirty or so members, clubhouse is at the edge of town on Seville road. Hard to miss as you cruise by it." Jake started out.

Tig urged him to go on making him sigh. Jake told him all about the officers of the club, the layout of the clubhouse, and their main source of income which was a bar in town. Clay told Jax to call Opie because they were going to have to run down to Modesto that night. Jake's eyes widened making Happy smirk at him. He was afraid of what these guys were going to do to him once they had all the information they needed from him. He gave them directions to the bar at Jax's urging.

"Good boy." Clay told Jake, "You can head back to the hospital for a while."

"Thank you." Jake stated before slowly backing away from the group.

"Skittish kid." Chibs noted.

"Well, he did say he was just a peon in their MC. Probably gets shit on all the time." Jax laughed as the kid left the clubhouse to head back to the hospital.

"Let's make a plan to make these bastards pay." Clay stated before looking over at Tig, "I need you with us."

"You got it." Tig retorted without batting an eyelash.

Jax called Opie who came as quickly as he could. The group sat around their cherry oak table discussing options on what to do in retaliation of the bombings. What kept being brought up was blowing up their bar. It would be a slow night since it was during the week so the casualties should be at a minimum. In blowing it up, they would cripple their way of earning legitimate money and send a message about messing with clubs bigger than they are.

Opie was all on board and had everything he needed to rig up the bar to explode. Clay smiled at the bearded biker as the others continued to discuss options. Happy wanted to shoot up their clubhouse as well. Really let them know they'd fucked up by messing with SAMCRO. Clay liked that idea as well. Their plans began to solidify. Tig was anxious to get things going but they had to wait until dark so Opie wouldn't be seen preparing the bar to blow.

The SAA wanted revenge for his lady who was completely innocent in everything. His lady who was in a coma with brain swelling because some assholes decided they wanted to try and pick a fight with the Sons. He worried about what she was going to say when she woke up. She was going to have to start her shop all over again. Get new equipment. Redecorate. He hoped she hand insurance that would cover everything!


That night, Opie was checking his saddlebags to make sure he had everything he needed before they all rolled out. Clay had called several of the smaller charters around them to help them take revenge. Three businesses had been ruined and would need to be rebuilt because of some petty shit. When the Prez of the original charter asked for help, everyone jumped in to help.

Clay, Jax, Tig, Chibs, Bobby, Opie, Happy, Ratboy, and Quinn rolled out first with the other charters following close behind. It would take about an hour to get to Modesto from Charming. Tig wanted bloody revenge. He wanted to cripple this MC to where they couldn't rebuild their clubhouse. He wanted them to have to split up and go their separate ways. He wanted them to pay dearly for what they'd done to Teegan.

Once they arrived in Modesto, Opie took several of the smaller charter members and headed to the bar the Thunder Dogs owned. They parked a block away and walked to their destination. Opie was the best explosive expert they had and knew what he was doing as he began to set things up. Just as Clay suspected, there was hardly anyone there. Mostly just the bikers who worked at the bar. He prepared everything and told his brothers to head back to their bikes. Things were going to get hot and loud.

Before he set the bar to explode, he called Clay to let him know the bar was ready. Clay then signaled to the rest of the group to head into the lot of this rival MC's clubhouse. They parked and took out the guns they'd brought with them as a young kid with a mohawk left the clubhouse and started walking towards them.

"Who the hell are you and why are you in our lot?" He shouted angrily.

"Do you know who we are?" Clay asked calmly.

"I don't give a fuck who you losers are. Get off our property." The kid shouted.

"Let me talk to your Prez." Clay demanded making the kid snort.

"I'm the President of the Thunder Dogs. Why do you want to talk to me?" The kid questioned.

"You fuckers bombed three of our businesses today." Clay stated. "And we don't appreciate the hostility."

"Oh. You're the fuckers who beat my guy up. You deserve it." The kid crossed his arms over his chest as the rest of his club came out.

"You, kid, you're messing with the Sons of Anarchy. We don't take kindly to this shit.'re gonna have to learn a lesson about who you mess with." Clay stated before whipping out his phone and dialing Opie's pre-paid, "Ope? Hit it."

"What's going on?" The kid questioned as Clay put his phone back in his pocket.

"Get to it, boys!" Clay shouted as everyone raised their guns and began shooting the clubhouse all to hell.

The young kids hit the ground as the shooting began. The president finally took out a gun from his back pocket and tried to aim at Clay. The older, more experienced biker noticed immediately and shot the kid in his dominant arm making him drop his gun. The kid's SAA took his gun out but Tig shot him in the arm and then the leg. He was angry and looking to hurt as many of the little fuckers as humanly possible.

Someone else thought they'd bow up to the older bikers and tried to shoot at Clay but Tig was quick to put a bullet in his head. The shooting finally stopped and the younger kids sat up and looked around. Their clubhouse was all but ruined, their president and SAA had both been shot and another member was actually dead. Clay smirked at the faces of the youngsters.

"Here's the lesson about not messing with a club bigger and stronger than you. Next time, we'll annihilate the entire lot you punks." Clay stated, "And you tell anyone about this, we'll come back and there won't be anyone alive to tell who attacked you. Got it?"

The kid started to say something until he heard Tig cock his gun again. He looked over to see Tig aiming directly at his head. Clay signaled for everyone to roll out. The Sons put their guns back in their saddlebags, straddled their bikes, and then left the broken bikers to pick up the pieces of their club. Clay was sure the punk kids wouldn't go to the cops. They were too terrified despite the tough-guy facade they were trying to pull off. It was the terror in their eyes that gave it away and he couldn't help but smirk.

A/N: Think the Sons did the right thing?

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