Anything for you

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"Stay wit yer woman, brotha. We'll let Clay know wha' 'appened tonight." Chibs winked before walking outside.

Happy dealt with the bound man to send his own message to the Irish. He made sure nothing was tied to Teegan before calling for Juice to come pick up the body. Tig walked down to her bedroom and opened the door. She'd already crawled back into bed so he slipped his kutte off and set it on the dresser.

"You're staying?" She called out.

"Unless you'd rather me go." He replied as he undressed himself.

"I'd rather go back to sleep and not be bothered by weirdos breaking into my house." She stated.

"Sorry Doll. This is the kind of shit you signed up for when you let me in." He slipped into bed then spooned up with her.

"No. I did not sign up for this shit. If I'd known about this, I would have kept you at arms' length like I should have." She retorted.

"Baby, I'm sorry these things keep happening to you. We'll get your windows fixed and clean up from tonight. You'll come home to a perfect house tomorrow. I promise." He kissed her exposed shoulder.

"Tomorrow better be a quiet day at my shop or I swear to you, Tig..." She trailed before yawning.

"Get some sleep, baby." He kissed her shoulder again as he pulled her even closer to himself.

She was still apprehensive the next morning when she awoke. After making a quick breakfast, and Tig keeping her in the living room to make out some, she finally left to open her shop up. She sighed when she pulled to a stop in front of her shop. "Biker whore" was spray painted across her front window making her roll her eyes. She walked down to the local hardware store to buy some supplies to get spray paint off glass.

So far, the day was not shaping up to be very good. After getting her supplies, she walked back down to her shop and opened for the day. As she awaited on customers, she stood out front and began cleaning off her window and trying to scrape the paint off. 'Who would spray paint this idiotic shit on my window?' she thought as she scrubbed and scrubbed, 'Who knows Tig and I are seeing one another? If that's what you'd call it?' Sighing as her arms began to tire out, she headed inside to rest before starting again.

A few hours later, the rumble of a bike was heard and she sighed as the overhead bell rang. Looking over at who'd entered, she found Tig staring at her window. She told him that she'd come to work and found "biker whore" spray painted across her window and that she'd been trying to get it cleaned off with some special cleaning supplies but her arms began to hurt from all the scrubbing she was doing. It angered the SAA to see someone had vandalized his girl's shop like that.

He called for a prospect to come and help her clean off the window making her roll her eyes. She didn't want to admit it, especially to Tig, but she was grateful for the help. Her arms were definitely tired from what she'd done already that morning. Chibs had been tasked with dealing with Teegan's house. Getting the busted out windows fixed, having the carpets cleaned where there were no traces of blood left, and getting the walls cleaned up from where Happy had dealt with the remaining intruder.

Jax and Clay were getting tired of the Irish and their bullshit. They were always paid on time. Jax began to wonder if someone had been skimming the Irish when they made their payments. He just couldn't figure out who it might be or how to catch them in the act. The whole scenario was infuriating to the blond. Whoever was skimming the Irish was causing them problems and needed to be dealt with swiftly. Especially for their loved ones' sakes.

Gemma couldn't help but laugh at Tig as he had a prospect go and help Teegan clean graffiti off her shop windows. 'That man'll do anything for her. She just doesn't know it.' The Queen Bee thought as she sat in her office and watched the lot. Clay hadn't been thrilled with Tig using two of their prospects for his own personal business but let it go not in the mood to fight. He had bigger problems to deal with at the moment.

Chibs rode into town and stopped by the tattoo shop. Entering, he found Tig sitting on the couch and Teegan busy with a heavily tattooed client. He sat down next to the SAA. The pair remained quiet for a while. "Tha 'ouse is fixed." Chibs finally stated earning a head nod from Tig. He was watching as this guy was hitting on Teegan and she was politely declining his advances. Chibs just laughed seeing Tigger get a bit jealous.

To Teegan's delight, more and more people were coming into her shop. She was starting to make appointments too which she knew was a good thing. When she was finally done with her latest client, she took her gloves off and walked behind the counter. He walked up and paid before taking a business card. She looked over to see Chibs had come in and gave him a small smile.

"To what do I owe this visit?" She questioned as she sat down in one of the lone chairs.

"I jus' came by t' tell ya tha 'ouse is fixed up. No blood stains anywhere. Windows all replaced." He told her.

"Thanks. I appreciate it." She replied.

"Aye, my pleasure. Tha least I could do fer ya." He said.

"Want me to go get lunch?" Tig asked as the overhead bell rang.

"Burger and fries, dry. Dr. Pepper." She told him earning a nod in response, "Hello! What can I do for you today?"

"I'm wanting another tattoo. Can you do skulls?" The kid asked.

"I have a book of tats I've done and potential tats. There's several skulls in each book. Or I can draw something completely new up for you." She told him as Tig left Chibs there at the shop with his lady.

She let the kid look through her books as Chibs just looked around. The prospect was still working on her window which was nearly cleaned of the spray paint. He wondered what had happened there but didn't want to ask. Teegan had already gotten to work on the young kid by the time Tig returned with lunch for everyone. He and Chibs sat on the couch talking quietly about her window as they ate lunch. The kid kept hitting on her and she kept refusing his advances. It annoyed her greatly but she did her best to be as professional as she could.

Two hours later and he was checking out his new ink with a smile. "Looks amazing!" he grinned as he walked up to the counter to pay. He gave a small tip before leaving the shop. Tig urged her to eat before another customer came in. She thanked him as she grabbed the bag and sat down in a chair. As much as she loved her job, she was thankful for the peace and quiet to eat her lunch! Her breakfast had already worn off.

Several more customers had come in after Chibs left. When she was getting ready to close the shop to head home, Tig pulled her into his arms. They just stood in the silence of her shop for a few minutes. It had been a surprisingly busy day and she was thankful for it. That meant business was picking up. She looked up at Tig and smiled.

"Thank you. For everything today." She quietly stated.

"Anything for you, Doll." He kissed her forehead, "I'll meet you at your house. I gotta stop by the clubhouse and talk to Clay. See you in a little while."

"Ok. I'll get dinner going." She told him before walking outside and locking up the shop.

A/N: Isn't Tig the sweetest....when he wants to be? ;)

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