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"Did you really mean it when you said you'd rather be dead than dealing with the club anymore?" He asked as she cleaned up her station.

She didn't reply right away and he was beginning to think she was trying to ignore him. When she finished cleaning up, she moved to sit down in one of the leather chairs.

"I like our evenings. I like having someone to spend my free time with." She started out, "But I meant it. I'm sick of you guys always being here. Always in my business. Always..."

"We protect this town, Teegan. We try to keep big corporations from coming in and ruining this community. We've tried real hard to keep the likes of Weston and Zobelle from coming in and spreading their shit." Tig told her, "When shit goes sideways, people want revenge on us. The best way to do that is to hurt those close to us. That means people's wives, 'ol ladies, close friends."

"So, I'm pretty stuck with you lot whether I like it or not, huh?" She huffed.

"I'm afraid so, Doll." He tapped the seat next to him, "Just get to know us a little bit. I think you'll like us."

She moved to sit next to him where he draped his arm across her shoulders.

"I was infuriated when we were told you and Lyla had been attacked. Hearing you'd been sexually assaulted made me want to hunt them down myself and shoot them. The guys kept me from doing something stupid. But we will get revenge for you both." He kissed her temple, "I was worried about you last night. I desperately wanted to see you, to make sure you were ok. And I definitely hate seeing you so banged up."

"I'm a tough bitch. I can handle it." She shrugged.

"Just because you can doesn't mean you should have to." He kissed her temple again.

The rest of the day was slow. Only one more customer had come in. She was happy that he'd taken a business card when he left. It was finally time to close up for the day. Tig pulled her into his arms before she left making her grab him by his kutte. "I'll come by after I head to the clubhouse. See you then." he told her before leaning down and kissing her. She smiled silently before leaving her shop and locking up. He headed to the clubhouse to give his report and she headed home.

She'd already showered and changed for bed by the time he'd arrived. He, too, had showered she noticed. She was in the middle of making spaghetti for the pair when he strolled into her house. He slid his kutte off and dropped it on the coffee table before walking into the kitchen. Seeing her at the stove made him smile. He walked over and slid his arms around her waist. She tensed up briefly before he whispered that it was just him and that she was safe.

Teegan relaxed into his arms as she stirred her sauce. Tig began kissing on her neck making her giggle. Before anything to really get started, she pushed him away. "I need to get dinner done." she told him. He was sure of the assault that happened in her kitchen. The SAA grabbed a beer and headed into the living room. Plopping down on the couch, he slipped his boots off and turned on the TV.

She finally called him for dinner so he grabbed his beer and walked to the dining room. He felt the awkwardness in the room and reassured her things were going to be fine. She wanted to scoff at him but didn't want to fight either. They ate dinner in silence with the exception of him telling her how good it was. She thanked him and explained it had been her grandmother's recipe. He helped her clean up then pulled her into the living room.

"You gotta talk to someone. Don't keep things bottled up." He suddenly told her.

"I don't even know how they got in, Tig. The first break in, I heard him. I was ready for him. These guys...somehow they got in silently. I never knew they were here until it was too late." She blurted out.

"It's ok be vulnerable, Teegan." He rubbed her leg gently, "We're all vulnerable at some point in our lives."

"I could have fought them off if I hadn't been surprised." She sighed.

"It's ok, baby." He told her, "Did they say anything?"

She sighed not really wanting to think about the previous night but stared towards the kitchen for a moment.

"Said that you need to stop selling guns to the blacks and Mexicans and since you won't listen to them, they were sending a message. Hoped that by hurting someone they care about, you'll start listening." She stated.

"I'm really sorry you had to go through all that, Doll. This is the shit we were trying to protect you from." Tig rubbed her leg again.

"I see how well that worked out for me and this Lyla woman." She hissed.

"Come on, that's not fair." He whined, "I'd stay with you twenty-four/seven if I could to protect you."

"You'd drive me crazy if you did." She stated making him laugh.

Despite the sexual assault, she wanted to cuddle with Tig when they went to bed. She wanted that comforting. That brief, fleeting feeling of peace and safety even if she knew it wasn't real. He held her close to him, rubbing circles on her back as she laid there with her head on his shoulder and her hand tracing his chest tattoo. Nothing else was said as they laid together with their minds racing. His was on the attack of his...whatever you would call her to him...and hers on how she was stuck with this MC and how to make them mesh with her life.

Tig had been in such a deep sleep, he didn't hear his pre-paid go off. She'd been so emotionally exhausted after the last two days, she didn't hear her alarm going off. Clay got nervous and sent Jax and Chibs to search for his SAA. They looked everywhere including her shop. Seeing that she hadn't opened up yet made Chibs very worried. They decided, on a whim, to check out her house. Something else could have happened during the night.

Pulling up, they found Tig's bike parked in the driveway next to her truck. The front door was locked so Chibs picked the lock and let themselves in. The house was quiet and nothing seemed out of place. Jax pulled his gun out as they slowly made their way down the hall to the master, unsure of what they were going to find. Pushing the door open, what they found wasn't what they were expecting.

Tig was laying with his right arm under his head, Teegan's head on his shoulder with her arm draped over his exposed stomach, and Tig's left arm around her shoulders pulling her close. Both were deeply sleeping since Tig was snoring slightly. Jax and Chibs looked at one another and then back to their SAA. This was something they weren't expecting to see. Jax began shaking Tig's foot which eventually roused him from slumber.

"Huh? What's going on? Why are you here?" Tig blinked the sleep out of his eyes.

"You didn't answer your pre-paid. Clay got worried." Jax looked between him and Teegan, "Got something to say about this?"

Tig looked down at Teegan and gave her a squeeze before looking up at his VP and Chibs.

"Not really."

"I'll make yeh breakfast. Get up, brotha!" Chibs smiled at the SAA.

"Teegan! Teegan, baby, we gotta get up. We slept in." Tig stated as soon as the bedroom door was closed.

"Huh?" She lifted her head off his shoulder.

"Baby, we gotta get up. We're running late." He kissed her forehead.

"Oh fuck!" She jumped out of bed and scrambled to get dressed.

"Chibs is making us breakfast so calm down. He and Jax came over to find me since I apparently missed a call." Tig told her.

"Jax and Chibs..." She tilted her head, "...they're in my house?"

"Yeah. Chibs is making breakfast so get dressed and then we can get some coffee." He told her as he slid out bed.

A/N: Well, their relationship is no longer a secret!

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