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"I need to go check on my dinner. I'll be right back." She told him, voice much softer towards him than it usually was.

As she walked into he kitchen, he took the chance to really look her over. Seeing what she called pj's made his manhood twinge. He followed her into the kitchen and found her leaning down peering into the stove.

 He followed her into the kitchen and found her leaning down peering into the stove

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"You're gonna kill me walking around like that." She heard him state from the entrance to the kitchen.

"Yeah well I wasn't expecting visitors this evening." She shrugged, "Want something to eat?"

"I haven't eaten since lunch, sure." He replied, eyes solely focused on her as she leaned up and grabbed two plates from the cabinet.

She might have been short but she had some very toned legs! After setting the plates down, she poured herself a glass of tea then offered him something to drink which he merely nodded. They sat in silence until her pizza was done. He sat there drinking her in as she sliced up the pizza then brought it to the table.

"So, I guess you can't tell me exactly what happened that left you and Chibs looking like...this?" She finally asked.

"Sorry, club business. All I can say is it went south." Tig sighed, "Clay blames me for it and it might be my fault. I'm not sure. He had some nice words for me when we got back to the clubhouse afterwards."

"Sorry to hear that." She stated.

He shrugged as they ate, "Not the first time he's been mad at me. Probably won't be the last."

She laughed remembering how her dad was with her and her getting into fights.

"Something funny?" He questioned.

"It just reminds me of my dad. How he gets mad at me for getting into fights but he always wants to me protect myself and not take shit from people. I get in trouble but it's never the last time, ya know?" She explained earning a head nod in response.

"Yeah well I don't think your fights could get anyone killed. That's why Clay's so pissed at me. Things could have gotten much, much worse today." Tig confessed.

They fell into silence again as they ate. She kept looking over at his kutte wondering what the patches meant. It was starting to get the better of her and she was dying to ask. They'd finished off the pizza so she put the dishes in the dishwasher and wiped off the table. He sat there and just watched her buzz around her kitchen until she picked up her glass and headed into the living room. He quickly followed suit and found her sitting on the couch.

"So tell me something..." She started out, "...what do all these patches mean?"

He smiled at her glad she was starting to show some interest in the club.

"This one shows what charter I'm apart of. The Redwood charter is the very first, the original charter so we get the special rocker for it. (She nodded for him to go on) This one tells everyone who I am in the club. Not everyone gets a rocker like this, only special officers. (He pointed to his Sgt-At-Arms rocker)

And this one underneath that one tells everyone I've committed supreme violence for the club. (He cautiously looked over to gauge her reaction) So, any more questions?" He explained.

"Do I really want to know what 'supreme violence' actually means? Or the Sgt-At-Arms because I'm sure that isn't the same as what it is in the military." She questioned.

"Being the Sgt-At-Arms means I'm the enforcer for the club. I dole out punishments to people as needed. I once removed an ex-communicated member's Reaper tattoo that he had refused to have removed with a blowtorch. (She raised her eyebrow at him) And yes, sometimes that 'supreme violence' ends in someone's death." He confessed.

"And you live with this?" She eyed him up.


"Must be hard to live with." She stated surprising him with how calm she was about everything.

"Sometimes. I drink a lot. The free whores at the clubhouse help for a little while." He laughed making her roll her eyes, "But every now and then it gets to me I guess."

She understood it. The violence getting to him. It got to her too but she refused to let anyone take advantage of her. She was too independent and headstrong for that. She turned and leaned against the arm of the couch with her knees bent making his eyes trail up her legs. She raised an eyebrow at him but he just smiled back at her. Watching as he slid his kutte off and lay it on the table, she wondered where this night was really going to go.

He leaned back on her couch and stared at her. He wanted her in his arms, wanted his lips on hers once more. Before she knew it, he was pulling her towards him. Her desire to fight him hit again but once his lips touched hers, all she could do was melt right there. He rested his hand on the back of her head as they sat there kissing. It was him who moaned into their kiss this time making her smile to herself.

He was he stretched out on her couch with his left leg bent and resting against the back of the couch and his right foot on the floor. He pulled her down so she was situated in between his legs. All he wanted was to spend some time with her. To get to know her. Of course, he'd been entertaining sexual thoughts about her and had from the minute she'd walked into the clubhouse.

She unbuttoned his shirt and began ghosting her fingers over his chest. He just stared at her taking in her features. There was no denying what a beautiful woman she really was. "Where did you come from?" he blurted out making her laugh, "You're a devilish angel." She smiled at him and simply told him she was nothing more than a headstrong Texas woman.

He asked her about her family so she told him more about her dad and where all they'd been stationed when he was in the Marines and how he'd retired from the military with full honors. She told him about her brother who wanted to be just like their dad and was now stationed over in Oahu, Hawaii. She told him about their family dynamics and how her mother always treated her like she was some porcelain doll but her dad treated her like another son and taught her how to fight and defend herself like he had her older brother.

Teegan had Tig laughing at some of the stories of her childhood back in Texas. He loved listening to her talk and seeing the sparkle in her eyes when she was really excited about something. He ran his hand up and down her arm as she told him a rather humorous story about a disastrous Thanksgiving they had once. It was more than evident she missed her family but was trying to make a life for herself outside of where she'd left.

Around midnight she began yawning. "Time for bed." she told him as she stood up. He quickly followed suit, "Mind some company?" he wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear. She told him as long as he behaved himself he could stay the night. He grinned as he grabbed her hand to let her lead him to the bedroom. She was already ready for bed but he stripped down to his boxers making her roll her eyes at him. She climbed into bed with him following a few minutes later. He pulled her into his arms and thanked her for the great evening.

A/N: Think there's a love-connection there? ;)

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