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Jax and Chibs got up and left her new place leaving her alone with Tig. She'd hoped he would be leaving soon as well but he just followed her into the large kitchen. He watched her look around to see if they'd brought her groceries over along with her stuff. Satisfied with that, she walked down the hall to the master with him hot on her heels. Throwing her wallet down on the dresser, she took her shoes off then headed back into the kitchen.

"Can I help you with something?" She inquired as she took out things to prepare dinner for herself.

"Why are you so hesitant to let people in?" He hopped up on the counter and watched her work.

"I'm not. But you fuckers just butted your way into my life and literally won't leave me alone. Doesn't really make me want to get to know you or hang out with you." She offered.

"Fair enough." He chuckled, "But we're not going away."

"That's what I'm afraid of." She sighed as she chopped some veggies for a small chef salad.

"Tell me something." He said, "Why exactly did you want a 'fresh start'? Do you not have a good relationship with your family?"

"I have a great relationship with my family. There were no men back home that interested me that were worth a damn. I had a reputation for fighting. (He laughed) I just wanted a change of scenery." She replied, "My dad was sad I moved but understood. I'm supposed to call him in a day or two and get him caught up on my move thus far."

"Should be an interesting conversation then." Tig laughed bringing a small smile to her face.

"He won't be surprised I've been fighting although he'll chastise me for getting into a fight my very first day here." She shrugged as he let his eyes wander her backside.

She went to grab her salad dressing and found a bottle of Vodka chilling in her fridge. She grabbed her dressing and then the Vodka before turning towards Tig.

"The hell is this?" She asked.

"Looks like a bottle of liquor to me." He stated making her roll her eyes.

"Why is it in my fridge? I didn't buy this." She set her dressing on the counter.

"I guess the guys wanted to give you a 'welcome home' present." He grinned at her making her groan.

"You guys are really getting on my nerves." She looked at the bottle and realized they'd brought a high-end Vodka, "Ooh. This is the good shit."

He grinned at her as she looked over the bottle.

"Maybe we can have a taste after dinner." He stated.

"You're going away, I'm going to have dinner." She stated.

"Aww, I can't stay?" He pouted at her.

"I've seen you enough the past two days." She replied making him laugh again.

"If you say so, Doll." He hopped off her counter before walking over and kissing her cheek, "See you tomorrow."

She rolled her eyes as she squirted dressing into the bowl. Once she heard the front door open and close, and then the sound of a bike starting up, she finally felt more relaxed. She got herself a bottle of water then took her dinner to the table to eat in peace. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she did like this place much better than where she'd just left. The rent being cheaper was a nice plus, too. After she'd eaten, she went to take a quick shower.

Entering her living room, she discovered the bikers had hooked up her cable for her while they were there. 'Huh. Why are they being so nice to me?' she wondered as she flipped through stations. It was close to midnight when she finally decided to head off to bed. She did have work to get to in the morning! Her alarm made her groan before throwing the covers off herself and padding to the attached bath to use the restroom.

She poured herself a bowl of cereal as her cup of coffee was making. Turning on the news to see what the weather was going to be like, she ate her breakfast in the living room. She was sipping her coffee as she decided what she was going to wear that day. Feeling more punk-ish than rock-ish, she opted for a cute black-and-red outfit.

She headed off for another day at her shop in a good mood and hoping there wouldn't be any bikers there

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She headed off for another day at her shop in a good mood and hoping there wouldn't be any bikers there. As she pulled up, she saw no bikes nor any bikers and sighed with relief. Unlocking the door, she flipped her 'open' sign on then went to prepare for the day. Ten minutes later the overhead bell dinged making her look up. She sighed seeing it was Chibs who'd walked in.

"Mornin', lassie! Yeh stuck with me today." He told her, "Sorry fer bein' late. Went t' get me some breakfast first."

"Why the hell do I need you guys at my shop every day?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"We got some business associates mad a' us. Jus' tryin' t' protect ya, lass." He replied as he found a seat on the couch.

"Business associates, huh?" She rolled her eyes making him smile.

She sat at her station on her phone ordering a mountable TV before ordering a business cable service for the shop. With nothing else to do, she went online and changed where her tattoo magazines were going to so that customers had something to read while they waited. So far it had been a productive day. He watched as she swept the floor then mopped it as she waited for the first customer of the day to arrive.

She was back to sitting at her station when suddenly the windows burst and the sound of loud gunfire was heard. Chibs immediately hit the floor and crawled over to where she was laying. The shooting was still going on and she had her hands over her ears. Seeing she was ok, Chibs squatted down and made his way behind the counter. It was as they'd feared. Just as quick as the shooting started, it stopped. He watched as a truck pulled away before whipping his phone out.

"Jackie Boy! Dey shot up 'er shop. Neither o' us is 'urt but yeh might wanna get over 'ere." He stated.

"We'll be right there. What's the damage like?" Jax inquired.

"Shot out all 'er windows. Think dey were tryin' to 'it us because dey kept shootin' fer a while." Chibs replied as she dusted off the glass from herself and went to get the broom and dustpan, "She's pretty pissed off."

She sighed debating with herself on packing up and moving somewhere else and starting over there. Chibs could tell there was something on her mind but she was keeping it to herself. She wasn't rattled like he thought she'd be. Anger seemed to be what she was feeling going by how she was sweeping up the glass from her windows. The sound of bikes approaching didn't ease her mood any.

A/N: Wouldn't you be pissed off in that situation? ;)

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