The un-Happy one

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She slipped out of the sleeping man's arms the next morning to take herself a quick shower. It was nice to wake up in the arms of a man she felt a connection with. Even if she had done all the talking the previous night. Not knowing if he was going to get a shower or not, she bathed as quickly as she could then got out to get dressed for the day.

 Not knowing if he was going to get a shower or not, she bathed as quickly as she could then got out to get dressed for the day

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The smell of bacon and coffee woke Tig from his slumber. He quickly got dressed after doing his business then wandered out into the kitchen. Teegan was already dressed for the day, and looking good as usual, and making breakfast. She had two plates almost ready to serve as she finished up with the bacon. Turning around she found Tig standing there watching her. "Coffee's already made and the cups are in the cabinet above the coffee maker." she told him.

He nodded before making his way over. She set their plates down before pouring herself a glass of OJ then setting down to her breakfast. Tig knew Gemma would have something to say about him coming into work wearing what he'd had on the previous day but he didn't care. He needed to see her after the day he had and she was gracious enough to let him spend the night. They'd had a wonderful evening together and no one could take that from him.

Not a word was spoken as they ate breakfast. She wasn't sure who'd be at the shop with her today but she was certain it would be someone with a kutte. It still peeved her but there was no sense in fighting with them on it. At least she'd won the battle of not paying them some dumb "protection fee"! She was putting the dishes in the dishwasher as he finished up his coffee. Before she left the kitchen, he pulled her into his arms and crashed their lips together.

"I don't know when I'll get to see you next." he told her as he rested his forehead against hers, "Have a good day. Call me if you need me." She smiled at him and said she would even though he was sure she'd do her best to handle things herself. It was something that he both loved and hated about the woman. She was too headstrong for her own good sometimes! They left her house at the same time. He headed towards his clubhouse and she went to open her shop.

To her dismay, she found the un-Happy one leaning against his bike waiting on her. 'Oh great. This is going to be a fun day!' she thought as she opened up the door and walked in. She flipped her 'open' sign on then began sweeping the floor. He plopped down on the couch with a scowl across his face. Clearly he didn't want to be there any more than she wanted him there.

Her phone rang so she answered it, keeping eyes on the biker as she did, and made an appointment for the following day. Shortly after she got off the phone, the TV she'd ordered for the shop was delivered as well as a shelf for her to put the cable box on. She signed where she was told too and then slid the TV box further into the shop. Now the fun part was getting it secured up on the wall! With a huff, he stood up and helped her once she got all the brackets set up. He didn't want anything to happen as she was standing on a step stool trying to hoist a large 42" TV above her head.

She thanked the grumpy man who only grunted something back at her. The overhead bell rang and she was relieved to see it was actually a customer. They talked about tattoos and he already had a design with him that he wanted. She took him to her station to start getting him prepped for his new ink. Happy watched her intently to see how she tattooed people. He was very judgmental about her tattooing but he found she was more than professional and very good at her job. The guy she was tattooing was hitting on her but she was polite in her decline of his advances.

Once his tattoo was done, he paid and left her a generous tip. Silence once more fell over the shop as she went to clean up her workstation and prepare for the next customer. Not a word was spoken between them as she puttered around the shop waiting on customers to come. She finally settled in sitting in one of the black leather chairs on her phone browsing things to purchase for the shop that she might need. The overhead bell chimed making her look up.

"Hello Teegan!" Gemma greeted her.

"What do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" Teegan asked as she looked at the woman who'd brought these crazy bikers into her life.

"Well, every year the town gets some of the businesses together. Each business has a booth to advertise their business, give samples, that sort of thing. I was wondering if you wanted to have a booth?" Gemma asked, "Would get your name out there and could help your business some."

"Sounds fun." Teegan stated.

"Excellent. I'll let you know when it is and which booth is yours." Gemma smiled before turning to Happy and greeting him before leaving.

Around lunch time, Happy made a call and before long a prospect had shown up. The trembling kid asked her what she wanted for lunch. She gave him his order then some money for her food. He stood there after writing down her order and stuffing her money in his pocket trying to flirt until Happy growled at him to get going. She watched as the poor kid took off like a rocket to get their food.

Twenty minutes later, the kid returned and passed out their food. He handed Teegan her change then promptly left. Teegan was almost done with her food when the overhead bell rang again. This time it was another customer to her relief. Happy watched as she went to the bathroom to wash her hands as the guy flipped through her tattoo books to see what he wanted. "My buddy came in here the other day and said you did excellent work. Thought I'd get my new ink here." he told her earning a wide smile in response.

Happy watched as the guy stared at her tits the entire time she was tattooing his arm and wanted to roll his eyes. Even if they were magnificent tits and every one of his brothers had stared at them when she walked into the clubhouse the first time. The guy chatted about her shop, how long she'd been tattooing, and how long she'd been in Charming. Happy discovered she'd been tattooing since she was eighteen and always had a knack for art and sketching.

The had loved his new ink and tipped her well for her efforts. She thanked him as he left. Happy watched as she cleaned up her station and got it ready for the next customer. Just as she did after everyone. She went to use the restroom just hoping to get a bit of peace and quiet but when she heard a scuffle, she quickly finished, washed her hands, and exited. There was Happy who had another guy pushed up against the wall.

"The hell is going on here?" She demanded.

"This guy's from a different club. I need to know what he's doing in Charming." Happy growled.

"Man, I just came for a tattoo. Was told there was a hot chick doing tats here and she did great work." The guy stuttered.

"Let him go so I can get to work." Teegan stated.

"He's in our territory." Happy said.

"I fucking said let him go!" She demanded, "He's a customer in my shop which means I have jurisdiction here."

Happy let him go with a growl.

"Do you have a design in mind or do you need me to draw something up for you?" She sweetly asked before glancing over at the steaming bald-headed biker.

"Could you draw something up?" He quietly asked.

A/N: How do you think the Sons are going to react to this guy?

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