Family Time

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Teegan really hoped her dad and brother liked Tig. She knew Tig was a bit apprehensive around them. Drew kept a close eye on Tig the whole way to the diner. How he treated his sister, how he talked to his sister, how he looked at his sister. Drew knew she was more than capable of handling herself but he wouldn't hesitate to step in if he thought she was being mistreated. Especially by some outlaw biker!

Tig helped Teegan into the diner and then to the closest booth to the door. He slid in next to her so her dad and brother could sit across from her. The waitress scurried over, seeing one of the Sons had come in, and put on the charm. The small group put in their drink order as she was passing out their menus. Drew watched as Tig draped his arm around his sister's shoulders and how it didn't seem to bother her like it happened all the time.

"So tell me how long you two have been an item." Troy asked.

"Since shortly after I moved here." She shrugged making Tig chuckle.

"What can I say? I couldn't resist her charms." Tig smirked making her roll her eyes.

"You mean you actually put up with her attitude?" Drew stated making her stick her tongue out at him.

"I love her attitude and 'I can take of myself' mentality. It's nice to finally meet a woman who doesn't need me around so she can feel safe. She's capable on her own." Tig chuckled at the end thinking of a few of her run ins with his club.

"Do you get along with his biker club?" Troy asked as their drinks were brought.

"For the most part. We had a...difficult...start at first. They weren't used to a woman like me. (She laughed) But we've come to an understanding now. Things are cool." She explained.

"Oh?" Troy raised his eyebrow.

"I had to explain to Clay how I grew up and that my dad and brother taught me how to fight and defend myself. That I don't need anyone babysitting me so that I'm "safe". I know how to use my gun, I know how to use a baseball bat (Tig laughed), and I know when I need to call for help." She told them.

Tig, upon seeing Drew's curious expression, told them about the first intruder at her old rental house and how she'd dealt with him. Drew busted out laughing. "That's my sister, alright!" he smirked as Troy just shook his head. She retorted with, "Well, he shouldn't have broken into my house!" Tig just leaned over and kissed her cheek.

As their food was finally brought, Troy and Drew began telling stories about Teegan to Tig. Her face flushed remembering some of the stories and the things that had happened when she was younger. Tig couldn't help but laugh at what he was hearing. He loved getting to know her more from her family and the stories of her childhood. Hearing that she'd always been a very defiant, independent child. The stories of how she'd take on anyone who tried to bully her or others in school. It made him proud.

Troy tried to pay for their dinner but Tig refused citing that they were their guests. After several minutes of arguing, Troy finally threw his hands up in the air in defeat. Tig helped Teegan out of the booth and out to her truck so they could head home. Her dad asked what they usually did at nights. "Before I broke my leg, I'd make us dinner then we'd sit around watching movies or tv before bed. A lot of the times we'll talk about our day." she explained.

Once they'd made it home and Tig had gotten Teegan settled on the couch, he asked if anyone wanted a drink. Troy and Drew opted for a glass of Whiskey if they had it. He brought their guests their drinks before grabbing a beer for himself and a glass of tea for Teegan. The men clinked glasses making Teegan roll her eyes. Tig wanted to hear more stories about his girlfriend making her groan but Drew was more than happy to share stories with him.

The rest of their night was spent in embarrassing Teegan with stories and making Tig laugh. Around ten pm, Teegan said she was heading to bed and suggested everyone else do the same. Her dad gave her a hug before she hobbled down the hall and her brother simply shouted a good night to her. Tig made sure she got settled for the night before making sure their guests would be alright. The two men were heading off to their rooms so he walked back to the room he shared with Teegan and stripped down for bed.

With her tattoo shop gone, for the time being, and her still being on crutches, she stayed home. Tig promised to come by at lunch to check on her earning a smile in return before he leaned down and kissed her goodbye. Drew asked if he always kissed her goodbye. She just smiled but said nothing making her brother tease her.

"So, is this a serious relationship?" Troy asked his daughter.

"He basically lives here with me, dad." She chuckled, "He helped me find this place, helped me move in, and even helped me find and adopt Spike."

"That's not really an answer to my question, Teegan." Troy stated.

"I guess it is." She shrugged.

"What does that mean?" Troy asked.

"Well. I care deeply about him. I worry when he goes off on runs for his club. I love the quiet evenings we get to share." She explained, staring at her coffee cup.

"Do you see yourself making a life with him?" Troy inquired.

"I've already started doing that, dad." She chuckled, "As I said, he basically lives with me already. He used to come by the shop just to hang out when he wasn't busy. He'd bring me lunch a lot too."

"I see." Troy stated, "He seems like a decent man. Not sure I approve of the outlaw motorcycle club. But it's easy to see how happy he makes you. And as long as he treats you right, that's all I could ask."

"He does, dad. He really does." She smiled at her father.

Upon hearing that Teegan's dad and brother had come to town and knowing the young woman was in no position to cook, Gemma took it upon herself to make dinner for the foursome. Around five pm, there came a knock at the door. Teegan hobbled over to it and opened it up. Her shocked face made Gemma laugh. "I made dinner for you and your family so you wouldn't have to worry about it." Gemma told her.

Teegan introduced the Queen to her father and brother and stated she was Clay's wife and the general Queen around the club. Her brother and dad offered to help bring everything in from her car earning a smile in return. Teegan thanked Gemma for her help as she got out plates and silverware to set the table. The Queen told her it was no problem and to enjoy dinner. She bid the two men a good evening before leaving the house and heading home. Shortly after she left, the roar of Tig's bike was heard coming up the road.

"Babe?" Tig called out.

"In the dining room! Wash your hands, Gemma just dropped us off dinner!" Teegan called back.

"Smells good." Drew stated.

"Gemma's a great cook. Remind's me of mom's cooking, actually." Teegan told her brother as Tig washed his face and hands in the kitchen.

Tig sat down at his place before dishes of food were passed around. Troy shared stories of his life with their mother before the children came. Before long, the two older men were sharing Marine stories. Drew had to laugh having a few stories of his own to add in. Teegan just rolled her eyes at the old stories. She was, however, glad that everyone seemed to be getting along. Hearing Tig's laughter brought a smile to her face as she sat there and listened to her three favorite guys chatting away.

A/N: It's nice to see her family getting along so well with Tig, huh?

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